Which view do YOU race with
(70 posts, started )

Poll : Which view do You race with

In car
Viewing Front/All Wheels
Outer Car
Replay sort of view (You know what i mean)
#51 - wien
Quote from Cue-Ball :The biggest things about driving using in-car view are that it gives you a better idea where the car is. You can judge more closely how close you are to the car next to you.

Funnily enough, that's exactly why I don't use cockpit view. I have no idea where the car is because of the lack of depth perception. In wheels view at least I have the wheels to use as markers to more easily judge distances. I find drafting behind someone in cockpit view almost impossible since I never know when to pull out and overtake. Could be I just need to get familiar with it, but right now I just can't do it.
wheel view for FPS reasons, but if i had a larger monitor and a better card it would deffinetly be incar
i like with the wheels in front, with the Bf1 the helmet upper camera, because the fps
can someone send me a photo of incar with bad fps...cause i dunno what its like
The view i use is in car.
Quote from harjun :can someone send me a photo of incar with bad fps...cause i dunno what its like

You should have a FPS number in the top left of your screen when playing, if it goes below say around 15 and things start to stutter you see it for yourself!

You can't really take a screen shot of it as you need to see it in motion.
i run 140 never below 120 on my laptop lol
Show a vid or something or does it go jerky or what?
Yes it goes Jerky, the more cars on screen and at South City the FPS will drop, you'll get high FPS when it's just you racing. You don't really need to see it, you'll know when you get it because of the very low FPS and stuttering/jerky play.
ooh...i got that once when i was running a virus scan or something and it went a little bit jerky Feel sorry for you guys who get that
Nope...im just running an acer aspire 5100 Amd processor X 2 but with a ge force graphic card in and im running 400mb or RAM to the graphic card
#63 - Mykl
I'm due for a new TV, but that video kinda makes me want to look into a projector...
Quote from harjun :Nope...im just running an acer aspire 5100 Amd processor X 2 but with a ge force graphic card in and im running 400mb or RAM to the graphic card

I dunno if you have tried the new patch but with a server full of 28 cars, plus flying tires my PC starts to plead for mercy I've not tried 20 AI's but I imagine it would be worse.

If you want to see what your computer can do with LFS try the patch on a full server, starting from the back and going into T1.
im gonna try with 24 ai cars For some reason im only getting 11 AI cars
First, you can only add at maximum 20 AI cars, and second, you need test patch W10 to do this.
limit your framerate to 10fps
for W10....will there still be STCC servers and stuff and is it better than normal one?
Quote from harjun :for W10....will there still be STCC servers and stuff and is it better than normal one?

W10 is a test patch. I think it's a safe bet that none of the league servers will install a patch until it's final and released to the public. So, if you install W10 you likely won't be able to connect to the STCC servers (though I haven't verified this).
Quote from harjun :for W10....will there still be STCC servers and stuff and is it better than normal one?

Make a new folder (call it LFS2 or something) copy your original install into it and patch it up to W10...then you can have both, so there's no need to miss out in STCC etc, but you can play about with the new features.

Which view do YOU race with
(70 posts, started )