Thanks Hankstar - put much better than I could. Respect Mon 
Nine, while I respect ( generally ) what your saying this bit really annoyed me
"anyways, I, as a United States citizen can't change how the government is ran, and you guys seem to put down all Americans for what Bush has done, and how he has responded, and it's unfair."
HELLO, ANYONE THERE ????? !!!!!!!
Government of the people, by the people.
If my government was behaving the way yours is they wouldn't be there for very long, they'd be facing the International Warcrime court, which WE support, even if the US doesn't.
Yes, NZ has army troops in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Laos and do you know what we do there ?
Mine clearance so people can try to live their lives without being blow up by ( generally ) US made weaponry.
Strangely enough we don't see too many Americans doing this........
That's despite the fact that in Laos it's the Vietnam war we're still cleaning up from. Oh, thats right, you never bombed Laos did you.......
Try to remember that you are the American people and if you'd get up off your lard filled butts, turn off the TV, put down the gun your fondling in the hope that it will make you more manly ( or womanly if anyones so inclined ) and actually act to challenge your governments actions THEN IT WILL CHANGE.
We, the rest off the world, cannot change your government. Unlike you, even though you are a rogue state and a primary member of the axis of evil, (don't laugh Britain, thats you too) we don't believe in regime change. We don't send in special forces to destablise you, we don't invade with a coalition of the willing ( the above two plus a sheepish Australia )
All we do is try to educate.
Point out that killing is wrong.
Try to explain that all human life is equal, that each one of us is special and unique, just like every one else.........
The US states, In God we trust, I really don't remember where it says in the new testament " Thou shalt not kill Americans, BUT OPEN SEASON ON EVERYONE ELSE."
Wasn't your Christ a raghead ??????

Nine, while I respect ( generally ) what your saying this bit really annoyed me
"anyways, I, as a United States citizen can't change how the government is ran, and you guys seem to put down all Americans for what Bush has done, and how he has responded, and it's unfair."
HELLO, ANYONE THERE ????? !!!!!!!
Government of the people, by the people.
If my government was behaving the way yours is they wouldn't be there for very long, they'd be facing the International Warcrime court, which WE support, even if the US doesn't.
Yes, NZ has army troops in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Laos and do you know what we do there ?
Mine clearance so people can try to live their lives without being blow up by ( generally ) US made weaponry.
Strangely enough we don't see too many Americans doing this........
That's despite the fact that in Laos it's the Vietnam war we're still cleaning up from. Oh, thats right, you never bombed Laos did you.......
Try to remember that you are the American people and if you'd get up off your lard filled butts, turn off the TV, put down the gun your fondling in the hope that it will make you more manly ( or womanly if anyones so inclined ) and actually act to challenge your governments actions THEN IT WILL CHANGE.
We, the rest off the world, cannot change your government. Unlike you, even though you are a rogue state and a primary member of the axis of evil, (don't laugh Britain, thats you too) we don't believe in regime change. We don't send in special forces to destablise you, we don't invade with a coalition of the willing ( the above two plus a sheepish Australia )
All we do is try to educate.
Point out that killing is wrong.
Try to explain that all human life is equal, that each one of us is special and unique, just like every one else.........
The US states, In God we trust, I really don't remember where it says in the new testament " Thou shalt not kill Americans, BUT OPEN SEASON ON EVERYONE ELSE."
Wasn't your Christ a raghead ??????