The online racing simulator
get ready to laugh...
(77 posts, started )
Ultimate test, in case if you don't know the answer: "Am I complete idiot? Yo!"

Just get on the roof of your house, and do step-by-step after instructors. They have completed this test positive, so they are profesionalist

If you are not 100% sure that you are dumb, please stop the test and get down safely, to think about it.

Yo yo! Let's start the TEST!
#52 - Rish
thats gotta hurt, stupid guys tho
Those vids are clever. Shame the whole room wasn't black.

Check out this one out...

Yes I know the song is extremely pants but the video is well put together.
#56 - Rish
What were you looking for when you found that?
Quote from hrtburnout :What were you looking for when you found that?

Domme hollanders

(sorry for speaking Dutch :tilt
eeerm, vids about funny stupid people and that one popped into it
about people falling and well, they fall and fell on their head during birth...
Quote from zeugnimod :What the hell? At least, they didnt lose any braincells when they fell. illepall

You're just waiting for someone to ask how they couldn't lose any braincells, aren't you?
No, because everybody who does have at least one braincell, can make it up himself.

So actually, I was only waiting for YOU to ask that.
Quote from zeugnimod :No, because everybody who does have at least one braincell, can make it up himself.

So actually, I was only waiting for YOU to ask that.

I thought this would backfire to me, but I have to say, scientific investigations has shown that I have 2 braincells. They believe it's meant to reproduce.
Heel goed, jongeman.

#70 - Davo
omg I rofled. It's even funnier because the lady next to him is laughing as well and the kid is having a good old sook.

That angry german kid is just annoying though.
i think dont really get it..
gimme half an hour to let me understand

Hollander: dikke nek
Nederlander: geen dikke nek (maar gwn raar :P)
Typische Nederlander/Hollander: Peugeot, caravan, en camping plaats

sorry i was explaining something
i dont get the evolution thing cuz i'm not english and some stuff i dont understand
oh and i'm sleepy 24/7 so no things where i have to think for me

get ready to laugh...
(77 posts, started )