Speaking of freedom, I wonder why people define as a animalistic, anarchist state of affairs. Well, guess most humans still run on caveman/woman psychology.
Freedom. What about freedom to access education to better oneself? Freedom to live happy and peaceful lives? Freedom to achieve prosperity without stepping on other people to make oneself taller? Freedom to achieve ones positive dreams without political and financial oppresion? The list could go on forever, but the point is that these basic freedoms that many peace loving and productive individuals desperately want remain remarkably neglected. And yes, true freedom (at least in my sense of the term) does mean responsibility. This does not go down very well with lawyers in litigious societies though.
If there's one good thing that's good about this thread is that people haven't tried to label me as pro/anti gun.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a military enthusiast and I like everything from desert eagles to F-22 raptors, but I also don't believe that guns could solve a society's problems. They're good for suppresing violence to an extent, but when one responds to hate induced aggression with more reasons to perpetuate the hate, it's a dead end. Remember the Vietnam war?
Statistically the Americans were winning, if kill to loss ratios are of any indication. But years of brutality and atrocities commited by both sides didn't go down to well with many people around the world. It's a vicious cycle. You've got civillians that just want to be left alone to live peaceful lives, then the Vietcong show up and start forcefully drafting them to military service. America responds to this new threat by removing acres of forest and wiping out many civillians, their property and their homes. This feeds into the anti-American hatred, and this cycle of positive feedback goes on and on and on.....
The sad thing is that Americans went into this mess of a war knowing it was very likely to become a complete mess. The motive of stopping communist spread didn't quite add up if one understands how countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, etc operate. Let's face it, communist atheism won't go down well to countries with religious backbone. As i said by the art of war, "Know thy enemy, Know thyslef, Know when to Strike". The Americans simply didn't know their enemies too well.
I'm also glad that some here have actually understood one of my points about my Japanese comment. Yes, due to complicated cultural differences, what works in one place at the present time would fail miserably at another.
To see how bad racist stupidity and all the associated just could get, just search youtube for clips on the Virginia Tech Massacare. Just take a look at the majority of the comments posted on some obviously racist and hate-inciting videos and you'll all understand why I'm so genrally disgusted. One poor emotionally beat up boy is dead along with 32 others, and the last thing we need is to throw blame and labels around, wishing America to be free of Asians.
Hatred, believe it or not, goes far deeper than just simple differences. It's something that's complicated and havily intertwined into many facets of human experience, history and existance, so I won't try too hard to explain it in a forum. Yes, differences do cause misunderstandings and unintended quarrels. But in my experience, it takes much more than spilt milk to induce a cycle of hatred.
Another good thing is that at least quite few here have actually realised that the only real solution to a social problem is to address the root causes. As an ancient Chinese saying goes: "To permanantly remove grass, one must eliminate its roots".