I'm having this problem of getting disconnected from multiplayer servers without warning and without any kind of obvious network glitch, i.e. there's no packet loss either on my internal (wireless) network, or from my gateway machine to the server (I've been running pings and traceroutes parallel to racing to a server of which the admins were so nice and told me its address) and there's also no conclusive network debugging (Shift+F8) output in LFS.
The problem seems to have become worse in patches W9 and W10, but that's an entirely subjective impression, I haven't counted the disconnects so I don't have accurate statistics.
I'm running LFS on Windows 2000 Professional (SP4) and that machine sits behind a NAT router machine running FreeBSD and pf. Since I haven't had any problems of that kind in any other online games or network applications whatsoever, I'm suspecting it might be a Windows 2000 specific issue. Does anyone else run LFS on Win2k Pro and have similar problems?
A phenomenon that's definitely new since upgrading to W9/W10 respectively is that sometimes, I connect to a server and get disconnected right after successfully joining (i.e. seeing the track). The network debugging output says "Initial Synchronisation Failed", the players in the server see a message telling them I've been banned. LFS will however automatically reconnect to the server until it succeeds (and I'm not actually banned either).
The problem seems to have become worse in patches W9 and W10, but that's an entirely subjective impression, I haven't counted the disconnects so I don't have accurate statistics.

I'm running LFS on Windows 2000 Professional (SP4) and that machine sits behind a NAT router machine running FreeBSD and pf. Since I haven't had any problems of that kind in any other online games or network applications whatsoever, I'm suspecting it might be a Windows 2000 specific issue. Does anyone else run LFS on Win2k Pro and have similar problems?
A phenomenon that's definitely new since upgrading to W9/W10 respectively is that sometimes, I connect to a server and get disconnected right after successfully joining (i.e. seeing the track). The network debugging output says "Initial Synchronisation Failed", the players in the server see a message telling them I've been banned. LFS will however automatically reconnect to the server until it succeeds (and I'm not actually banned either).