Joost (Internet TV)
(126 posts, started ) please - love all this new fangled interweb gubbins

[email protected]

thx in adavnce
Great, thanks
ive already got an invite from a kind member, yet im not sure who it was!
thanks anyway *unknown*!
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :ive already got an invite from a kind member, yet im not sure who it was!
thanks anyway *unknown*!

That be me
Thanks Jollyeskimo!
If there's any more available i'd appreciate one

stuthemoose at
I'd like one too, if anyone could be so kind?

bbman [AT] gmx . at

Thanks in advance!
I somebody by any accident has an invitation left, I'd be glad to have it
email : [email protected]
Thx in advance ! =]
If anyones got an invite left I'd appreciate it

EDIT - thanks Bal00
Can I have an invite please?

4wheelerhummers $at$
Quote from wheel4hummer :Can I have an invite please?

4wheelerhummers $at$

Try checking your hotmail first, I sent one yesterday to that address.
Quote from jollyeskimo :Try checking your hotmail first, I sent one yesterday to that address.

I forgot the password to my hotmail... I'll try to crack my password though.
#41 - mr_x
if anyone has any spare:

btcc (dot) mad (at) gmail (dot) com

Looks like supply and demand for the invites doesnt fit too well.
#44 - XsX!
Indeed looks interesting, so if anyone has an invite left, pm me for mail.

Status: Received invite
#47 - Jakg
before i ask for one - is it any good?
#50 - arco
If anyone has a free invite, I'll be very happy to receive one at arco68[at]


Status: Got one!

Joost (Internet TV)
(126 posts, started )