OK, I'm going to close this old thread now. It didn't really work out the way I intended originally, so it doesn't really match the description in the first post. Anyway we've got a lot done here and that's good. But now the new InSim needs to be seen by all InSim programmers (just in case there are some who weren't reading this thread). And it's all about the new system now, so...
Changes since W13 :
ISI changed so you can specify a name and command prefix
Several option flags removed from the IS_ISI packet
Multiple TCP clients can connect
NLP / MCI can be sent by UDP even if you connect by TCP
Better error checking and messages
Type /insim with no parameter to get simple status info
You can request an IS_REO to find out race order info
You can send an IS_REO to reorder the grid
Here's the new thread about the new system!
Changes since W13 :
ISI changed so you can specify a name and command prefix
Several option flags removed from the IS_ISI packet
Multiple TCP clients can connect
NLP / MCI can be sent by UDP even if you connect by TCP
Better error checking and messages
Type /insim with no parameter to get simple status info
You can request an IS_REO to find out race order info
You can send an IS_REO to reorder the grid
Here's the new thread about the new system!