The online racing simulator
May Avatars?
(139 posts, started )

Poll : What avatar?

Closed since :
Your favourite Muppet/Sesame Street character
Your favourite coffee mug
A valued (sentimental) item
Your pets
Your house
Your favourite tree
Mug idea ain't bad, better than the sesame street muppets option.
Bah, Sesame Street / Muppets / Avenue Q all rock!

Guess where my vote went
I vote roadkills- pics of small animals someone ran over with their car/bike/elephant feet/my granny's arse ect.
So far the Muppets/Sesame Street character are leading! :static:
Quote from Dajmin :Bah, Sesame Street / Muppets / Avenue Q all rock!

Guess where my vote went

The mug?
No, he voted for the Muppet
Quote from hrtburnout :No, he voted for the Muppet

Will you ever stop pulling my leg?

Seriously, it was the mug.

How to know you spam: Please try again in 11 seconds.
I voted for house, but Nordschleife drawing would be interresting imo.
camon people! vote for something else!!!! I can't personally stand the Sesame street, I didn't watch it as a kid, always thought it was retarded and I really don't want to be forced to upload a muppet avatar!

If muppets win I will rebel!

btw just to add, suggestions in the poll are quite crap! this community lacks imagination.....
Quote from Thunderhead :I vote roadkills- pics of small animals someone ran over with their car/bike/elephant feet/my granny's arse ect.

I definitely want to throw up all the time while I'm reading these forums...


Is ogrish(dot)com your favourite website?
#36 - CSU1
Avatars of our fav old-timer games, atari, comadore 64, ps1 whatever?
Quote from CSU1 :Avatars of our fav old-timer games, atari, comadore 64, ps1 whatever?

Wasn't that two months ago?

Spam again, wait 31 seconds
... wait 9 seconds...

Quote from Madman_CZ :btw just to add, suggestions in the poll are quite crap! this community lacks imagination.....

Completely agree. Blame hrtburnout for that, he made the poll straight off. I can only add options to it, which is pointless if people have already started voting.
I vote this poll to be ignored.

Drawing the Blackwood forest guru would be great and something new! :P
Blackout FTW !
Let's draw teh Forest Guru !!11 xd
#41 - Jakg
Quote from Bob Smith :Completely agree. Blame hrtburnout for that, he made the poll straight off. I can only add options to it, which is pointless if people have already started voting.

Go ahead, make your own one.

#45 - Jakg
Blade, theres a reason why you only see half of me
Yeah the poll is rubbish tbh.

How about a Ingame Screenshot for a change?
Quote from hrtburnout :Go ahead, make your own one.

That would require another thread, and frankly I just can't be bothered. That doesn't stop someone else from doing though, then I can kill off this thread.

I voted for sentimental things... =)

G25+LFS+... =D
How about our toothbrush?

Damn spam control, need to wait 31 seconds again...
Quote from Bladerunner got to be a perv to be a bus driver...didn't you know?

:ices_rofl :ices_rofl

On topic: i voted for bikinis as i have an awesome bikini picture from a ski trip we had a school, but i will only reveal it if everyone votes for bikinis!!

May Avatars?
(139 posts, started )