The online racing simulator
Incompatible TEST W17 - 32 Cars

Hello racers.

Here is a new test patch W17 allowing 32 cars in a race!
It can play hotlaps made by the old versions, even though there is one physics addition - clutch preload.
It's also incompatible for various other reasons :
- it can allow up to 32 cars in a race, in S1 or S2 mode.
- a global class balancing system which is currently applied to the TBO and GTR classes.
- various other multiplayer improvements.

W17 fixes some of the bugs in the W10 version - please read the list of changes below.

Changes in TEST PATCH W17 :


Max cars in multiplayer race increased to 32
InSim updated, allowing up to eight TCP connections
Small map colours : Options... Display... Interface
Removed the sound of a player pitting or spectating
Last loaded layout name visible after track changed
Start lights interval now between 1 and 4 seconds
Removed digital speedo option from view options
Qualifying session now starts from the pits
Added button to spectate from garage


Wrong screen message "x was banned" after an OOS disconnection
AI did not use correct car colours when added in game with /ai
Could start in reverse if changing down at end of last race
Show driver in garage allowed more penalty weight to be added

Changes in TEST PATCH W10 :


Immediate join at start of qualifying now starts from pit box
Connection bars are not drawn if they would obscure tyre info
Single player now allows up to 20 ai cars (powerful pc needed)
Small map cars more than one lap ahead are a different colour
Autocross : 28 results now stored - scroll with PgUp / PgDn
Added handicap mass and restriction to hotlap file header
Demo races limited to 12 cars (15 guests still allowed)
Better messages showing the reason for disconnection
Maximum added mass limited to around 20% of car mass
Admin can see kick and ban buttons even if /vote=no


Incorrect false start penalties while stationary at start
Displayed mass in garage flickered while moving handicap slider
False start penalty was given for an early start in qualifying
Corrected width of split time difference (in live position list)
Wrong "A race is starting" if track changed but no race started
Joining a waiting start grid sometimes produced a false start
Could quickly pit and return to grid to remove a false start
Skins used in race were not stored correctly in MP replays
Admins could not kick or ban using the list of connections
Could be given a pit penalty on a track with no pit lane
MRT would fly about if voluntary added mass was too high

Changes in TEST PATCH W9 :

Car is no longer held at start line - false starts possible
Start lights time between red and green is changed each race
Implemented the canreset option while leaving hotlaps valid
Added preload setting to clutch pack differentials
Increased number of cars in race from 20 to 28
Increased number of connections from 24 to 48
Single player and demo races now up to 16 cars
Start and pit fuel loads range from 1% to 100%
New voluntary handicap system in pits (part of setup)
Remote car's handicap shown in F11 menu, tyres in F12 menu
Global handicaps for class balancing (set by master server)
Removed the need to pass a split after receiving admin penalty
Start grid remains when track or config changes (if possible)
More commands now work on AI drivers : /spec /pitlane /p_xxx
More commands work even if player joining e.g. /spec /laps
Grid reordering is now done on end race as well as restart
New /i command to send a message to a race control program
Added short track name to SPR, MPR and RAF file formats
More race tracking info added to InSim (see InSim.txt)
Admins can now see other admins in list of connections
Admins can now edit and /axsave layouts while online
Admin ban dialog now asks for a number of days to ban
Added text on screen showing the reason for a penalty
Race penalty can now be removed with /p_clear command
Send all players to their pits with /pit_all command
Autocross results table only shows best 12 results
Timeout for dead connection reduced to 12 seconds
Kick and ban votes are held open a little longer
Removed the option not to use HVS if available
SHIFT + S enters garage from game setup screen
SHIFT + O enters options from SP replay
Display option : Virtual steering gauge
Display option : Rotate small map

FIX : F12 now shows "Pit stop required : OK" correctly
FIX : Find user in S2 mode looking for racer on S1 host
FIX : Message "NETWORK FATAL : NOTSOCK" when joining a host
FIX : Autocross layout number of laps sometimes did not load


PATCH (Version W must already be installed) :

ZIP VERSION (If you prefer a zip file) :

DEDICATED HOST (for hosting only) :
32?! omg :S

And quali fromg pits, yay!

With this pace I have to update my computer soon, dam you Scawen!
32 sounds good, some older pc's might have issues tho. DLing
#4 - Renku
Nice, my W10 "saw" W16 server on the servers list, but not "that" W17 one. I think I can see more clrearly now .
Quote from LFSn00b :W17? I have missed 7 patches...

Don't worry W11 - W16 only dealt with changes to the Insim packet structure

32 cars!!!?? Hell yeah!
32 cars on track? FE Club is gonna get manic.

Just to clarify, I'm assuming the "digital speedo option" is removing a duplicate or something, so the digital speedo is still actually possible? Will update this post once I've tested...
Quote from LFSn00b :W17? I have missed 7 patches...

I think they were InSim only.

Scawen, this is kinda off topic, a bit on topic ... it's on the line really (due to the minimap colouring). When a setup slider is right clicked on, a number can be typed in - maybe that could be done for the colour ones (I don't care if it's an AI or not, it's still a car).
Quote from Bob Smith :32 cars on track? FE Club is gonna get manic.

Just to clarify, I'm assuming the "digital speedo option" is removing a duplicate or something, so the digital speedo is still actually possible? Will update this post once I've tested...

Of course it is still accessible. It was in fact duplicated - AFAIK also appeared in Player setup screen or something like that.
The SO Sprint tracks still only allow 16 cars
W11-W16 were InSim changes.

EDIT: Wow....I'm....slow.
(Dj-Aeri) DELETED by Dj-Aeri
Scawen ... I LOVE YOU !!!
These changes are in my opinion some of the most important in the last time ... I mean, 32 players is absolutely amazing, but starting the qualy is a very important step to the more realistic sim. Keep on it
Quote from RSchumacher :but starting the qualy from pits and taking away the digital speedo are very important steps to a more realistic sim. Keep on it

It starts from pits but the digital speedo is still there (some people use it and it's more realistic for a lot of cars).
Is the digital speedo really off? Can't test the patch from where I am...If it is can't say I really understand the move...
anyone notice that if you make a new setup, you're suddenly on the "Brakes" tab?
WOW 32 cars in race , this is going to be so good for MoE and other Enduro leagues.... Thank you Scawen whit all my hart.
Pitmiliter not on when starting quali
Pit limiter isn't on when the quali starts (tested in singleplayer) like normally when you leave the pits.
That countdown text could be removed completely, starts from 1 with very slow second I think and doesn't really do anything

And no people, the digital speedo hasn't been removed, only the duplicate option to choose it.
(AndroidXP) DELETED by AndroidXP
Digital speedo is still available in Display Options.
I had it available in View options as well for convenience, because there was a space there.
But after about 10 bug reports that it was in two places, I decided to remove it from View Options.
Scawen, cars can move without penalty before the start of qualifying - if you're fast enough you could get to the pit exit on some tracks.
its not off...i think the default setting is "off", but all this update does in regards to the digital speedo is remove one of the dupliate settings from the options screen.

in other words, in the previous test patches, the settings for digital speedo were available in two seperate areas of the options menu. this update just removed one of those. it is still possible to change between digital and analog speedometers.
To kill two birds with one stone - this replay has both the early start for quali AND a new bug I have just clocked - FE Club with BF1, you can exceed the pit lane speed limit on your out lap with impunity.
Attached files
The Duke_FE1_BF1.spr - 4.4 KB - 467 views
great improvements scawen !

little "objection":
for me, its still too less difference until the green lights appear. i tested it many times, and i nearly always got a period of 3 seconds until the green lights appear.

----Improvement Suggestion----
i think 1 second is too less, although it didnt happen to me yet... 2-5 seconds would be much better i think.
I was in spectate and the guy had finished few laps behind I guess. I suppose that's not intentional to show the position 3 times?

edit. Or has this been like that always? :S
Attached images
32 cars?! OMG!!!! Unbeliveable!
8 TCP conn's? WOW. This is the best thing that could happen! And qual starts from garage! Unbeliveable!
This is such a great news I'm going to get drunk and then try out W17!
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Incompatible TEST W17 - 32 Cars
(341 posts, closed, started )