At first I thought that you were being sarcastic and was just making a joke.. Then I read the edit.
Ohh man, how could you not get that bit of sarcasm from Victor? He was obviously (Well, not really if you didn't get it) talking about the LFS game/community.
I'll admit that I too didn't catch the sarcasm of Victor. I didn't know exactly what he meant by game untill I read this thread......*walks off*
I think the joke is on you guys in this thread. Victor controls LFSW, and the forum as well to a large extent. He's a crafty and subtle fellow. You guys simply are not privy to his subconcious brainwashing efforts, and he finds it darkly amusing to outright unveil his disturbing intentions - and yet his malignant honesty is taken for jest.
Oh, the irony. The IRONY, my mislead forum friends. Wake up and smell the monster that IS, the Victor. Even the name carries the pungent odour of conspiracy, for he intends to be the very "victor" of the battle being fought for your very mind. And his last name - van Vlaardisomething - do you really think anyone these days has a last name that sounds like a vampire? It's so obvious!
Don't say I didn't warn you!
He's a musician, what do you expect?
I know this, because I am a musician as well. But I'm not trying to control your mind (right now). BTW, watch out for Kev, he's in cahoots with Victor.
Wow, the entire world is right - Americans really don't understand subtle humour. Or sarcasm. Or irony! Or diplomacy! Or small cars with great handling!
I understood every bit of that quote from Victor, and oh how stupidly funny this thread is I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to post in this, or else I'd be part of this farm :doh: Oh well!
I guess some people don't understand Victor's position as a WEBMASTER.
At least the joke wasn't as bad as British humor (oops humour) Oh class, that is a cracker of a joke mate!!!
Actually, I'm developing a sim in which I simulate a team of devs that are making a sim in which a team of devs is simulated who are developing a racesim.