LFS console monitoring
(3 posts, started )
#1 - xamyt
LFS console monitoring
Find this tool...

i want made script (monitoring of server - players, track, etc) for irc bot... and required this tool...

this tool must console control... and save anywere receiveddata (players, track, carsmay bee, etc), in example to .txt file, and later, my script grab this info (from file....txt) to irc...

there is a program (console), such as QSTAT (http://downloads.sourceforge.n ... qst...83&big_mirror=0), but it doesn't support LFS...

if there is such one (for lfs), give me plz )

sorry my english.
#2 - xamyt
get me hint ?

how can receive info about players,track from INSIM or any place... ?

get me docs, and some examples of work, connect and requests to INSIM port...(in someone language of programming, c++, c#, vb, java, etc... ?) may be i can write it myself ?

or... may be who wrote this mini tool? to save players and track to txt file ?

LFS console monitoring
(3 posts, started )