Just wanted to write a very quick note to explain where I am with this and what I've got on my plate right now.
OK, the situation with this league is that all those who have signed up will get to vote on the day/time of the meets. I will set this up either thru the forum or possibly by PMs to you all.
The following things need to be completed before the first 'test' meet.
Day/Time Voting
Rule Book - I have so far got together with some of the lads and taken a load of replays of various on track situations. I need to go through these and pull the stuff out that is of use, convert it into AVI and create a document outlining acceptable and Unaceptable manouvres.
Forum - Create a forum in PHP that will house all the rules, pre/post race dicussions, results, standings, replays etc etc.
Track Guides - I would like to have these prepared ready for the events but this may not be possible. I have made good progress on the first guide though and this should be finished (in some sort of format at least) within the next couple of weeks. This will need to be added to the website too.
Judicial Procedures - these need to be defined and added to the website forum.
Formal Entries - once we have set a day/time for the events people can start entering the first one. The functionality for this will be added to my website too.
Other stuff outside of LFS.
Unfortunately for this week at least I will not be able to work on the LFS stuff very much at all. I quit my job recently and am now doing consultancy work for a seprate legal entity called Gentlefoot Limited. I have incorporated the company but I am now due to send out my first invoice for the last months consultancy and as yet do not have a bank account or any stationary so I need to get this stuff sorted asap.
In addition I have two people waiting for website builds and I really need to start bringing some stock in from China (stuff you boys might like - anything from RC helicopters/cars to windproof lighters) next month so it's all gone a bit mental. This is how this thing works. half the site is LFS resources - "Gentlefoot Lives For Speed" and the other half is my commercial side/products for sale = "Gentlefoot Lives"
Oh and there has to be a whole separate website for my consultancy type work which is very specialist and something that none of you would be the remotest bit interested in.
So - I guess what I'm trying to say is please be patient. I am determined to see this through but as you can tell, I'm a busy boy right now