The online racing simulator
Hi Kahuna,

Welcome to LFS, I'm pretty sure you're going to like it. I've been playing for around a month and I wish I'd stumbled across it sooner. The only problem I've got is that my fingers are extremely sore (can hardly move my thumb) from gripping the wheel to tightly!

Didn't realise the internet had reached Arbroath yet mind you

I only lasted a few hours on the demo before I forked out for £24 I've spent on a game since Sensible Soccer for the Amiga 1200
hi here xd
Have played demo for a few days,and sometimes,used my brother's S2 ,but,when he bought me a S2 license half hour before,something goes wrong like this:

Quote :Authorisation on that Payment Method has been refused by the Bank

its mid night here,and we'll try tomorrow morning...

anyway,so excited to join u guys,hope it can be maked as i wake up
Hello everyone,

Just bought S2 last night after playing the demo for a day or two. Also bought a momo racing wheel. Really nice simulation of racing! I can see how this could become addicitive.

I raced a couple of times last night and suceeded in getting vote banned twice!!! Was trying hard to race well, too. I will keep practicing. I wish people would be a bit more patient.

Anyways, hope to be accepted soon and will try to get better!

Welcome ben!
hi there
i love S2
Hi i am going to buy S2 next month,might be earlier but yea,ive been playing demo for a year now so now i think i should go buy the game because ive enjoyed it so much ^.^
hello!! Bought an S1 license tonight and it is a bit disapointing.... no one plays s1 now?? everybody on s2???
I've benn playin the demo for somtime and it is been great fun and very good races indeed.! I hope to see you guys around on track
Faint,i dont hava VISA,so have to payed ¥400 and ask my brother to do me a favour,but after a update,something goes wrong with the confirmation,says that
"the services will be activated day after tomorrow!"
so,one more day to wait!
Dont know why,VISA fail to payed S2 times and times,again and again,but,anyway,have S2 license now...!
A big surprise toafternoon!
Quote from NRoyalty[CHN] :Dont know why,VISA fail to payed S2 times and times,again and again,but,anyway,have S2 license now...!
A big surprise toafternoon!

Great news! Glad you got it sorted in the end.
BrightSideTeeEm- Use mouse bro, Here's a setup [I used this GTI setup with my mouse]
Attached files
XF GTI_13442.set - 132 B - 357 views
Greetings all, I've been playing the demo on and off for a couple of years now but have just bit the bullet and bought a full S2 license. I've been playing Richard Burns Rally for quite a while and racing in the RBR-Online championships, so I'm not a complete stranger to sim-racing, but I'll have to adjust to the less-sideways driving style .

See you on the servers.
Howdy, Welcome to LFS
Excellent - another one!
Just wantet to say hello , i been playing for about 3-4 weeks now and must say i really like the game

Cya in game.

Quote from casdk :Just wantet to say hello , i been playing for about 3-4 weeks now and must say i really like the game

Cya in game.


weeks? you mean years! joined 2003?
is about time lol, welcome to the forums m8
i bought S2 about ten days ago, but i havent much time to write here (or i forgot to ... ), u can see me (or laugh at me ) mainly at drift servers
Welcome to S2 NiTRo_SvK

Hi Zenon79....the only suggestion I've got for you is.....Buy S2 asap, and experience the full power of LFS
Quote :
weeks? you mean years! joined 2003?
is about time lol, welcome to the forums m8

I tryed the game back in 2003 , dont rember why i stoped playing it at the time.

And thx

Say :: Hello

I'm new to this forums. I tried demo version for too long time and I decided to buy the S2 License , and I just got it 2 minutes ago very glad to play full version of this simulator !! bcuz it's great & realistic.

hmm.....and I'm from Thailand.

I love to read many stuffs here , it's useful and I can learn too many things here !+_!@)+= , really love you guys
Welcome hope you like this game
yo, I just got S2 about 3 hours ago and made a decent start. Hope I can keep up...
im not to good right now... but wait, ill catch up with yea guys

New players say hi here
(3743 posts, started )