The online racing simulator
Worrying Trend
(81 posts, started )
#51 - ysu
Quote from Rotary :Oh sorry, looks like I've spent the last 2.5 years or more of LFS racing somewhere I don't belong, my bad. Thank you for your enlightment. I promise to follow the straight and narrow and not step out of the box that is considered by you to be "normal". Please send me the bible on being you so I can correct my ways and learn to not be myself and become one with your way of life.

It's a matter of opinion, learn to understand others have different views on what they can and can't do based on their own life experience and its up to them to make decisions. You are not our parents, get over it. Don't like it? Tell the person who hit you, spectate, change server, start a kick vote.... wow, so many choices yet you'd rather try to say people are childish because they don't enjoy life the way you do.

Sigh, now we have after race smash up prevention nazi's... Christ I'm sick of all the "You can't do it because I don't like it" cry babies in these forums.

Edit: Yes, I may be immature in some respects (meaning others see what I find as entertainment to be childish) but in the real life issues that actually matter I have a very healthy attitude (such as starting a family). LFS is just a PC "simulation" game FFS. I can't believe I let this stupid thread get to me!

Well said, I totally agree.

It seems to help to ease the tension, to relief the excitement of the concentration after the race. It's good fun, but sometimes I don't wish for it, then I simply spectate, or warp back to pits. I don't think it's an issue at all.

If your wheel broke because of it it's your wheel. It woluld have broken at a wall hit anyway (don't tell me it never happens) :-)
Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah I'm never having kids either

Good point Ysu, my logitech wheel is 2 years old and still works great even though I'm childish in my LFS after race behaviour!!
Hmm... Must have hit a soft spot when calling a certain action childish. Anyway...

From the dictionary
n 1: (computer science) the technique of representing the real world by a computer program
Now, if you where slamming into an opponents car after the race is done and over with, you would probably not only be facing charges of unsportsmanlike behaviour and a lot of costs for all the damage done. You would probably allso face a life time ban from the racetracks across the globe.
If you must crash into poeple, do it on a server where it's meant to crash into each other for fun. Do not do it on the average race server.
Quote from Rotary :Oh sorry, looks like I've spent the last 2.5 years or more of LFS racing somewhere I don't belong, my bad. Thank you for your enlightment. I promise to follow the straight and narrow and not step out of the box that is considered by you to be "normal". Please send me the bible on being you so I can correct my ways and learn to not be myself and become one with your way of life.

It's a matter of opinion, learn to understand others have different views on what they can and can't do based on their own life experience and its up to them to make decisions. You are not our parents, get over it. Don't like it? Tell the person who hit you, spectate, change server, start a kick vote.... wow, so many choices yet you'd rather try to say people are childish because they don't enjoy life the way you do.

Sigh, now we have after race smash up prevention nazi's... Christ I'm sick of all the "You can't do it because I don't like it" cry babies in these forums.

Edit: Yes, I may be immature in some respects (meaning others see what I find as entertainment to be childish) but in the real life issues that actually matter I have a very healthy attitude (such as starting a family). LFS is just a PC "simulation" game FFS. I can't believe I let this stupid thread get to me!

Just out of curiosity...

How do you feel about cigarette smoking?
stupid lfs post race crashers going around giving everyone cancer...
Quote :Childish:

1. Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity; puerile: tired of your childish pranks.
2. Not complicated; simple.
3. Affected mentally by old age; senile.

Who wouldn't be offended by someone calling you childish for things different to what they seem acceptable?

I can play the dictionary game as well... lets take a look at the word game shall we.

Quote :Game:

2 a. A competitive activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules: the game of basketball; the game of gin rummy.

LFS "simulates" car racing and car racing is known as Motor Sport. LFS is a game that simulates racing or a simulation of the game called motorsport played on your PC.

Maybe you need to look up the word simulates as well?

Thanks to

Quote :Now, if you where slamming into an opponents car after the race is done and over with, you would probably not only be facing charges of unsportsmanlike behaviour and a lot of costs for all the damage done. You would probably allso face a life time ban from the racetracks across the globe.
If you must crash into poeple, do it on a server where it's meant to crash into each other for fun. Do not do it on the average race server.

Thank you for stating the obvious about the "real world" situation - now I know why it never happens when I watch motor sport on TV.

Oh, I will do what I damn well like in the average server thank you very much. You are no-one to tell me or anyone here what we can and can not do. If you don't like it that is your problem. As you can see many people in LFS enjoy it, many don't. Lets all get over it and accept each others differences, OK?
Quote from Slartibartfast :Just out of curiosity...

How do you feel about cigarette smoking?

Urm ok, not sure where that question is leading? However, Its the individuals choice to smoke. Similar to how it is my choice to play demo derby after a race the has finished

Are you saying I need a smoke to calm down?? LOL

(I'm a non-smoker BTW)
Quote from avih :Since i do think it's a bit annoying, and especially if you're not holding the wheel, under certain circumstances it can cause quite a harsh "flic" to the wheel, and since i don't know if other wheels have instant FF on/off as the SW has, how about addiing to lfs itself:

- add key: CTRL-F - turn FF on/off
- add option: disable FF after race finishes (for that specific player) untill next restart. of course CTRL-F would re-enable it at that state.

Just press Esc after crossing the finnish line, and - whoop-di-doo - all the forces are gone

And people, dont get all offensive over such a small matter! Sure, it sucks if your hardware gets damaged by being crashed after race. But chances are that it would have broken quite soon anyway, possibly during a race, which would be little bit more inconvenient. So banning for crashing AFTER the race is not a solution, if you dont like such a behaviour. Rather go to the pits, or at least try to park somewhere not easily accesible. (like at the walls inside a sharp turn behind the apex...).

And as a final word: You all are childish! Take that!
Quote from ColeusRattus :Just press Esc after crossing the finnish line, and - whoop-di-doo - all the forces are gone

And people, dont get all offensive over such a small matter! Sure, it sucks if your hardware gets damaged by being crashed after race. But chances are that it would have broken quite soon anyway, possibly during a race, which would be little bit more inconvenient. So banning for crashing AFTER the race is not a solution, if you dont like such a behaviour. Rather go to the pits, or at least try to park somewhere not easily accesible. (like at the walls inside a sharp turn behind the apex...).

And as a final word: You all are childish! Take that!


PS. Don't make the solution to simple!
I'll admit, when i started the thread, i was seriously pissed off.
The guy had just rammed me for no apparent reason, messed my wheel up, then just ****ed off, and didnt even have the balls to own up to it.

But, some of the replys have been a real eye opener for me

I only discovered LFS a couple of months ago, and its the first time i've ever played a game online, so everything about it (online gaming, the community, the forums etc) is all new to me.

So i guess if i was at fault, then i was wrong to be so naive.

I just didnt realise how many wankers there are out there.
Quote from Mazz4200 :
I just didnt realise how many wankers there are out there.

that was your first mistake.


get used to it, or do what michael douglas did in "falling down"

you could always set up a server "Clean Racing (No wankers!)" seen one like that once before maybe that would work oh but that would exlude the majority of the male population
Quote from ColeusRattus :whoop-di-doo

Nice sound effects on this forum
Quote from B2B@300 : you could always set up a server "Clean Racing (No wankers!)" seen one like that once before maybe that would work oh but that would exlude the majority of the male population

Yeah, i was actually thinking of trying something like that.
Problem is, I dont know a thing about computers. Ive had a look at the section in Bob Smith's manual, and he may as well have written it in ancient Hebrew, coz it dont mean a thing to me ?

Maybe call it "happily married men, no kids allowed".

On second thought's, scub that, maybe "married men, the wife's at work, no kids allowed".
It's not your fault Mazz, its just someone saw you as fair game. Each to his own
And now, GROUPHUG TIME! :grouphug:
Ramming people after the race is not something I'd do but if someone did it to me I really couldn't care less. What does it matter?
#68 - mr_x
if i ram someone after a race i make sure its someone i know

usually as soon as the race finishes i press esc to stop all FF effects, i used to race with FF set to 0, but now im finding that its far easier to control a car with more FF so at the mo i got it at 25 which is good enough to give me car control, but still enough so that the wheel doesnt get damaged if i get rammed (not that UF1000's can damage a wheel )
Crashing into anyone for the sake of it is wrong...if it's one of your mates.

Fair game!
Quote from DodgeRacer :I find it hard to belive the force feedback the wheel creates can actually damage it

You better believe it, happend to me 2 weeks ago 2h before a race. I started up LFS to do some practise. Things were not going to well, just mildy brushed a wall on South City in FOX> Suspension was bent a bit so I decided to restart. I left my right foot on the pedal, let go of the steeringwheel and in meantime looking for the escape key on the keyboard. The car speed up and hit went straight into a wall at quite high speed. I noticed a violent shock in the steeringwheel and from that point on force feedback was dead...

I opened the steeringwheel, turns out that the "impact" burnt a 2A fuse in the circuit for the FF engine. For the time being, I shorted it and FF works again as it should be...

Quote from whendrix :I opened the steeringwheel, turns out that the "impact" burnt a 2A fuse in the circuit for the FF engine. For the time being, I shorted it and FF works again as it should be...

How did you remove the airbag to get to the fuse? I always find that part tricky...
I think the best thing to do is never let your wheel unattended with FF on. I stood of from my chair for a minute to get a drink from my fridge, I thought I had set the parking brake, but I hadn't, the car started rolling backwards, and the wheel slammed to lock, then whipped back and slammed the other lock. Nothing was damaged, it really was no harder than the wheel hitting lock while calibrating itself, but it did make me jump for a sec.
If you want to park your car somewhere save, just drive another half lap and park it next to any outside barrier you want... Worked every time for me, as the messies stay near the finish line, and those who drive that half lap are testing their setup/warming up for the next race...
Quote from whendrix :
I opened the steeringwheel, turns out that the "impact" burnt a 2A fuse in the circuit for the FF engine. For the time being, I shorted it and FF works again as it should be...

Remember to go buy an identical fuse and fit it , as it may have saved your FF motor this time

Sometimes its fun to ram your mates after a race , mostly Id rather keep on driving or pull well off line or even spectate or shift S , I never rest my chin on the wheel tho

I dont think a game can break your wheel just with strong FF, if you run your FF over 100% then its at your own risk ,and as with anything things will fail with use and time , a game or driver in that game shouldnt be blamed for HW failure .

SD .
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
(HittiS) DELETED by HittiS
Nice post Mr HittiS Smile
I've been an admin for almost three years and SCORE has grown to be a pretty good home for those who like clean racing. Most regulars are very nice and always willing to help out in any way they can.
Part of the reason SCORE has become such a good place is that I've never allowed for any kind of bullshit. Another part is plain luck Smile
So in short... People who come to SCORE and crash into other drivers on purpose, be it during the race or after, will get banned for quite some time.
There, now I've said it. If you don't like it, play somewhere else.

Worrying Trend
(81 posts, started )