The `Setup Manager` was an idea I had quite a while back and was reminded of it by Ian.Hs replay manager. So I've decided to give it a bash and see if I could make it work because I need something to sort my setups folder out... What a mess 

So far I've got it moving individual setups back and forth. It also moves folders of setups in one go as well. My problem is now I don't know how to use the MultiSelect function of the FileListBox. I've googled around and haven't really found anything that explains it well.
What I want to be able to do is select multiple setups from the left `FileListBox` so they can all be copied in one go without the user having to select them individually. Where I'm stuck is finding out which ones are actually selected, all I have managed to get is the last selected one.
If anyone is wandering where I plan to go with this then here's a little list

So far I've got it moving individual setups back and forth. It also moves folders of setups in one go as well. My problem is now I don't know how to use the MultiSelect function of the FileListBox. I've googled around and haven't really found anything that explains it well.
What I want to be able to do is select multiple setups from the left `FileListBox` so they can all be copied in one go without the user having to select them individually. Where I'm stuck is finding out which ones are actually selected, all I have managed to get is the last selected one.
If anyone is wandering where I plan to go with this then here's a little list
- Remember the last bulk of setups copied to LFS folder so you can restore them all to the manager at a click of a button. So say you copy your Aston sets folder but now need your Fern Bay ones, you can restore them to save your Aston ones getting mixed with your FE ones.
- I also thought of maybe making it so you can leave a comment in the Manager for each setup and a little description for each folder.
- Using InSim so you could type something like $sets [folder_name] and it would move the sets in that folder to LFS. To save the hassle of having to minimize LFS everytime you need a new bunch of sets. Although this one, I'm not so sure of as I have no idea on how to construct packets in VB6.