ZWR Celebrates 1st Birthday + RECRUITING
(172 posts, started )
#1 - Dru
Zwarte Wind Racing - Info/Recruiting
See KeiichiRX7 post for details
can't wait or new people meet us in the ventrilo challen.
(we have our own channel on the server of fragmaster called: ZWR Team)

happy birthday today is my 1year zwr

#3 - mr_x
Happy birthday ZWR... you crazy bunch of people!
Grats guys, up and at them!
#5 - Cawwa
Happy birthday guys ...
Happy :birthday: Birthday ZWR
#7 - EmilO
Happy B-Day!
I remember back in the days when ZWR started and doesn't seem like it has been a year already but happy birthday to ZWR! Good luck for the year to come
Very nice bunch of racers from what I've seen. Many happy returns, ZWR.
Glad we made it this far, there were many times over the last year we thought we weren't going to make it.
#11 - MR_B
Sorry for the late congratulations on lasting your first year, I have fond memories of the ZWR team too, it gets my rare...

~*Kringle Recommendation*~
Congrats guys making it too the one year mark, all the best for the future!
you guys got a website?
Happy birthday!!
#15 - SamH
Happy Birthday ZWR!

ZWR are a great team, with top blokes taking part.. thoroughly enjoyed meeting you guys in Teamspeak, too!

Remember, if you ever want to ditch that Ventrilo crap...
#16 - mr_x
Quote from SamH :Remember, if you ever want to ditch that Ventrilo crap...

I tried when I first joined them about 10 months ago.

I'll tell you now it's not gonna happen

I was pro-TS, now I prefer Vent because of ZWR... damn them, damn them all!
sorry for the late entry!!!!! HAPPY BRITHDAY ZWARTE WIND RACING!

i had many a good time in that team, and believe me, team ZWR has the potential to do really well and excel with the drivers they have.

@ Samh: shut up... you know ventrilo rocks really :P, why you think im not bothered that dave calls me Mr. Ventrilo? i dont mind XD ( going of topic here sorry) :P

all the best ZWR!
i think you will need to buy s2 first
What about me? Can I join?
YAY!!! CONGRATS ZWR!!!!:balloons::laola: ZwR still has some of the better people i have ever met on LFS, i wont forget you guys
thx iceman31, and the other people, and sorry for the late respone

about joining. we are usualy online at a ventrilo server to chat. (you need a mic/heatset) when you want to join us it will we great when you want to join our channel in the fragmaster ventrilo server. we are there every evening. you can download/join us when you click on this link our channel is standing under : LFS RACING>ZWR Team i hope we will see you there.

srry for my bad english. i hope you understand it.

I'm interesed in joining your team. I like racing and want to get into a friendly team.
atm, I'm trying to set up vent. I don't realy "get" T.S. and my headset is not fully working, since i've never used it before, but I'll get there.

But MAN, why are all the cool teams in Europe? When it's like 6 here, it's already 1:00AM in the Netherlands. I know a friend from there.
ah yeah, freaking times... Owen is also from the united states of whatever... we almost never see him. But when we meet it's a fest I can tell you ;-)
If you can't get your stuff set up right, you can always pm most of our members and get our msn/icq numbers, I'm not here this weekend but I'm pretty sure the guys are going to help you get vent running!


der butz
#24 - mr_x
Quote from Mako. :I'm interesed in joining your team. I like racing and want to get into a friendly team.
atm, I'm trying to set up vent. I don't realy "get" T.S. and my headset is not fully working, since i've never used it before, but I'll get there.

But MAN, why are all the cool teams in Europe? When it's like 6 here, it's already 1:00AM in the Netherlands. I know a friend from there.

they're a top group of guys, if you join you've made a good choice
Well, I think I made up my mind then, PM sent.

ZWR Celebrates 1st Birthday + RECRUITING
(172 posts, started )