Nope, it's bad here as well (and I presume in Germany too)... My dad actually had to threaten the insurance agent with killing his contract if I wouldn't get my 50 HP (!) hatchback insured!
Exactly as Keiran said, for me just passed my test and a older 1.2 corsa I was getting rediculous quotes for about £2000 third party, but eventually settled through my mothers name at just under £1000.
I would sell it to, but it seems although this was all a very teamy thing and considering the fact that Nils was so close to winning and doesn't seem to bothered I doubt he's keeping the money to himself.
ok.. Firstly.. a big congrats to the winner (lucky sod... When you're done with it send it my way ).
secondly. The M6 does top out just a tad over 500 Bhp. However, It's not just point and go. Once into M Mode, You have to use the I-Drive to go into advanced engine settings, then select the 500 odd BHP option (Dont ask me why but they dont let it do that out the box, you gotta set it up :-\)
oh and thirdly... Don't flame the BMW's... I love my beamers (then again, my driving sucks anyways )... Someone buy me an E30 convertable and make me feel better? hehehehe
the motor is the motor out of the bmw m1 ( which you guys know from its old gt days ) they just adjusted the motor , which peaks out that 501 hp with 52.3 fpt
its got a few slight changes done to it but its the same motor :
well, then he should better check first what he's talking about and what we are talking about Still strange that an irish carmech doesnt know about the BMW M6 V10 engine which is the same as in the M5, but a bit other charateristics in "M-mode".
Edit: Or he prolly only read the first paragraph of wiki:
Wow note to self, never live in Europe and drive a car. I'd get raped with my 3.1L v6 pushing a mere 150 horsies. I pay a lot less on insurance and I'm only 17. Bummer, guess America is okay for now in my book.
Tell me about it, for me to register a motorcycle, as a new licencee, it would cost less than europeans do to register a car, and motorbikes are far more dangerous than cars, for potential of damage, especially with a new driver.
It surely wouldn't even be the fact if you couldn't afford to drive it now for me. It would be the fact that at least over here, you are responsible for tax, title, and registration if you win a vehicle. Tax on that car would run $6000. Of course, a $6000 loan for a BMW M6 would be just dandy for me . But then again, I just bought the wife a kid hauler. I wouldn't be able to afford even a $6000 loan while holding the loan of the kid hauler, and I don't think I'd want wifey haulin the kids around in a M6. I wouldn't want wifey NEAR my M6 for that matter!
Heck, I would sell the thing, pay off my house, AND buy a nice car for myself. It's sad that there are cars out there worth more than my house....
On the insurance bit, I somewhat feel bad for you guys when I see those insurance figures. I've never paid more than around $900/year for insurance, even when I was 16-18. Then again, unless you post up what you make in your job compared to me, those figures don't mean squat. (please don't post your salary figures, it was only a comment).
Oh yeah, hmm, insurance for a motorcycle? My brother-in-law was accident prone. He is paying $200 or so a month for his bike. Me? A whopping $75 per year
The good thing here in Germany is that we have no global speed limit on the normal street (Autobahn), so he can have some fun with the M6 daily:eclipsee_. But not a perfect first car in my opinion
just say Autobahn, ciennon. Everyone on this planet understands it as the paradise of no limit highway in germany And yes, we have a zillion kilometers of it here
actually the guy winning was Danny Engels who now is a manager at G2 e-sports and also helping to run Fernando Alonso's racing team. the funny thing is: lfs is now still the same game it used to be when we were there at the final
btw: we sold the car and split the money. if 60k € would have been at stake, we'd probably forgotten all our manners