Well to me, funny that he pretends to be a Mega Star Driver from the V8 Brutes / utes / barney magru, cuffbut dibble and gruff, opps no wrong programe

but has a 19year old Profile
Well i think as I said. Case closed. Some youngster playing havok on the LFS forums. Try to get a mass mob to annoy Vic. Well sorry to burst your bubble V8-Superstar / car, what ever, the mass MOB will actually be behind Victor. As they say, you and whos army. Well Vic has approx 50,000 strong army so no worries there.
If this a ploy to obtain a free license, claiming you have had one, and now not, then again, you have been foiled.
So from a Pommy ( as you call us ) to an Aussie. Stop being an anklebiter, bloody Galah and a Ocker and return to the never never where you came from, because V8, your Pat Malone
Weeee, see having an Aussie friend helps
Fordie Out