Prawler motorsports is looking for well expierienced racers.
10,000 miles
with in 3 seconds of the wr for 5 combos.
We also need:
-webmaster. (with a domain)
-Anyone with a dedicated server from 500servers.
-Ventrilo OR Teamspeak Server
-Anything else you can think this team could need.
If you would like to join post here with your msn and we can talk there.
Thanks, Kenneth
10,000 miles
with in 3 seconds of the wr for 5 combos.
We also need:
-webmaster. (with a domain)
-Anyone with a dedicated server from 500servers.
-Ventrilo OR Teamspeak Server
-Anything else you can think this team could need.
If you would like to join post here with your msn and we can talk there.
Thanks, Kenneth