Fair enough. I didn't mention Eric by name to drag it through the mud.. I'm just one of those people who often use people's names in reference rather than 'him' and 'her' or simply leaving it out.. it wasn't added to be spiteful or to create a personal attack.
I know I've mentioned both Eric's and Scawen's name in some posts. Maybe that was wrong indirectly. Again, I'm not wanting this to be anything of a personal attack, if I'm "attacking" anything, it's LFS as a business, not the individuals per-se (I know that's not always easy, especially when they're just a small group of lads).
After pulling away from rF, I brought my textures with me that I'd made for some of my own tracks I was experimenting with. Most of these were adapted from photos I took or grass / tarmac etc. I tried using them in LFS to update the textures and things didn't work out. I know LFS isn't "moddable" but would be nice to be able to replace the textures more easily, especially seeing as they're loose files (ie: the devs haven't gone out of their way to make it difficult / impossible like.... modifying cars / physics etc).
Again fair enough. It was a PITA having to close the hosting side but customers become fewer and fewer as big hosting companies now seem to offer almost complete servers for the price of a pint.. something any small business can't afford to do.
Not all's bad, the coding side is picked up more and more and now outweighs what I may have got from the hosting side.
No probs at all regarding flipping out. I'd far sooner have a very heated discussion (about whatever today's topic maybe) than a flame fest. I fully expect others to be just as blunt to me as I am to them (not that you were, just generally).. I take as good as I give.. something my Mum drummed into me at a very early age
