The online racing simulator
TEST Patch P4 (now P12)
(556 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Scawen :Sorry but that can't be fixed - it's the side-effect of a fix for a much worse problem.

LFS now uses the windows virtual key codes, for keys like 'T' and '/' and '1' and '2' etc... And that's more to do with position on the keyboard than the actual character. On the UK keyboard, the '/' key is the 3rd character after the letters on the bottom row (= the key to the left of the right shift key). It's possible you may find that key does the '/' function that you are expecting on the SHIFT+7.

Now that sounds like a problem but the alternative is worse : people with totally different keyboards (like Cyrillic or Greek) had to switch to Latin keyboard every time, just to press the 'T' key, then back to their own keyboard to type the message. That made it very hard for them.

Alright, I can press the key next to ENTER to get it now
' or * on swedish keyboard.
Will be hard to document that stuff scawen, hehe
TEST Patch P10
Hello again! Here's TEST Patch P10 with some more fixes, most notably a special new text entry system which allows code pages to be mixed, just by changing your windows keyboard and without you needing to think about confusing code pages! Also, a change which affects everyone, to enter coloured text, just press CTRL and select the colour you want. No more use of the ^ character!

For info about all other changes since P3, please start at the first post of this thread, and follow the trail (each post links to the next update).

Updates :

Automatic keyboard detection and intuitive mixing of code pages
Press CTRL and a colour button to enter coloured text
Included Polish Translation

Fixes :

FIX : Bug in sending high value characters to LFS through InSim
FIX : Automatically named SPRs using wrong codepage in name

Known Issues :

1) Nothing new... an old bug which could possibly show up more now with the new codepages... some people seem to have a strange thing on their PC which appears to be a bug in their copy of Windows. It means there is a difference between the filename when saving a file, and getting a list of files. This can mean that they can create a player name with high-value characters (above the ASCII range) then when they click on another player, their new player name with high characters is not visible, or is corrupted, in the list of players. I would like to hear from anyone who gets this problem, and details of exactly how it appears and how the file appears in their misc folder. If it is affecting a large number of people then we will need to figure out some kind of workaround.

2) Key presses in training mode often produce an "invalid key" sound.

Download :

EDIT : Link removed... Get P12 instead! ... 93&posted=1#post43993
Quote from BulliT :Before I installed P9 I could type:
/w pb
and get my pb without making a message.
Now I have to press T for message and then type /w pb in the message field to get it.
/ = shift 7 on a swedish keyboard.

Press F8 for "/w pb". It should be a default bind in Options->Game->Edit F keys-F1-F8. (And Ctrl+F8 for "/w wr" - World hotlap record for current car/track)
Thank You for new patch !
Quote from nesrulz :Thank You for new patch !

Nesrulz, because you had a problem in the past, trying to view and select a Portuguese language file, you may be one of the few people with this strange bug. Please can you do a test for me, but this time using a player file.

In this attached zip file, there is a test player file "testêtest.ply"

Can you first put the ply file in yor data\misc folder...

Now tell me :

1) What does it look like, in your Windows folder
2) What does it look like, inside LFS when you go to Player Options

Thanks. The results may be quite interesting.
Attached files - 207 B - 311 views
But, look this.

btw, this "bug" from P9 is still here, now in P10.
Attached images
Quote from Scawen :
Press CTRL and a colour button to enter coloured text

Brilliant!! Thanks..
I have one suggestion.. Could you make the number of characters for the name, a litlle bit longer? Maybe 3 or 4 more characters..?
Quote from Scawen :Nesrulz, because you had a problem in the past, trying to view and select a Portuguese language file, you may be one of the few people with this strange bug. Please can you do a test for me, but this time using a player file.

In this attached zip file, there is a test player file "testêtest.ply"

Can you first put the ply file in yor data\misc folder...

Now tell me :

1) What does it look like, in your Windows folder
2) What does it look like, inside LFS when you go to Player Options

Thanks. The results may be quite interesting.

OK !

In game and in windows

Attached images
No, the names can't be extended, at least not for a long time yet. You've missed the previous times where i've given detailed answers about that request.
Quote from Scawen :No, the names can't be extended, at least not for a long time yet. You've missed the previous times where i've given detailed answers about that request.

Ok.. sorry, haven't seen that. Thanks anyway..
Quote from nesrulz :OK !

In game and in windows

OK - thanks for the test.

One more test please. Can you...

- select that player
- change something (like the driver model)
- click on another player (like your own player)
- now click on that test player again

The question is : does it load that player correctly, and show the new driver model you selected? Or does it create a new player again, by mistake, with a corrupted name?
Quote from Scawen :OK - thanks for the test.

One more test please. Can you...

- select that player
- change something (like the driver model)
- click on another player (like your own player)
- now click on that test player again

The question is : does it load that player correctly, and show the new driver model you selected? Or does it create a new player again, by mistake, with a corrupted name?

It's OK !

Work fine
Quote from nesrulz :It's OK !

Work fine

Ok, thanks again for the tests.

We now need to hear from Misko, who had a reproducable problem with player names...
Scawen, since the "ms" string is in the translation, please, make it be used in the multiplayer hosts list also.
detail : ok, i think that should be possible.

how does the new codepage system work for you? you should be able to freely change your windows keyboard codepage (using the windows shortcut) in the middle of a message, and the correct characters should always be displayed in the edit box (and when you press enter).
backspace doesent work when typing messages ingame after pressing a name of a player so his name appears before the actual message...
if i just press T then backspace works...
Quote from Chaos :backspace doesent work when typing messages ingame after pressing a name of a player so his name appears before the actual message...
if i just press T then backspace works...

Did you left click or right click on the name?
Left click means you can't edit the name, right click means you can
Quote from Chaos :backspace doesent work when typing messages ingame after pressing a name of a player so his name appears before the actual message...
if i just press T then backspace works...

Yes, and i see this BUG
Thanks for the update!

I was wondering, seing as you are doing work on this, is it possible to move the textbox when entering a message to the corner of the screen or get rid of it altogether and have a "Say:" thing bellow the last line of text like other games? I think there was a thread about this on RSC - it seems that most people are annoyed by the rather big textbox right in the middle of the screen if they try to type while racing.
Quote from Scawen :OK - thanks for the test.

One more test please. Can you...

- select that player
- change something (like the driver model)
- click on another player (like your own player)
- now click on that test player again

The question is : does it load that player correctly, and show the new driver model you selected? Or does it create a new player again, by mistake, with a corrupted name?

i had this bug once...with P9...
i tried to create a player: ^1Octrin^7.cr4zy!C3|RC
so in colors: Octrin.cr4zy!C3|RC (i uses gray instead of white here)
this worked so far, but as u descriped, after changing to my originally user,
the ^7.cr4zy!C3|RC only ^1Octrin (Octrin) was shown
after that i couldn't delete the user. the user-file itself was correct (^1Octrin^7.cr4zy!C3|RC).
I tried to reproduce it, but then it worked...never tried again...

/EDIT 1:
well i tried again, could not reproduce...
what i remeber is, that after typing | and deleting this character, after that some strange ^-chars appeared.
then i deleted those chars and tried to change the color with ^3. afterwards i tried to type in |RC but only |R
or so was accepted (max. length of name...).
the the same...deleting |R and the color code and again...some ^appeard but they should not exists IMO.
so i once types in |RC pressed OK...
after that those strange things happend...

OK, i'm going to reproduce the thing again... (first with P9 to know, who it "works")

//EDIT 2:
well, i got a different way, but i got it!
ok...after those stange things i tried again creating such a player: Octrin[COLOR=silver].cr4zy!C3|RC
this one worked, but i forgot the dot between Octrin and cr4zy!C3.
now i edited this player, as i saw that the dot is missing.
after putting the dot between Octrin and cr4zy!C3 only Octrin ist shown and the rest disappeared...
an new player-file was also created: ^1Octrin.ply
the other one also exists....
well...that's one way to reproduce...

typed as playername: ^1Octrin^7cr4zy!C3|RC (all OK)
then changing the name into: ^1Octrin^7.cr4zy!C3|RC (inserted the missing DOT ==> error)
after pressing OK, a new file was created: ^1Octrin.ply....

OK, going to test that with P10...

///Edit 3:
ok, in P10 i'm not able to add a DOT between Octrin and cr4zy!C3...
so i tried: [COLOR="Red"]Oct[/COLOR][COLOR="Silver"]cr4zy!C3|RC[/COLOR], then added the dot and everything was fine o_O
The font looks a bit strange
changed the screen resolution and it was gone even after switching back to 1280x960
Attached images
Quote from Chaos :backspace doesent work when typing messages ingame after pressing a name of a player so his name appears before the actual message...
if i just press T then backspace works...

Yes, i know how that happens - just forgot to put that on my notes before the patch. It's taking the full "output length" including the invisible colour codes ^X and uses that for the "minimum size" variable - needs to be changed as the new text entry works differently, based on actual visible characters. Will fix...

Quote from nesrulz :It's OK !

Good that you didn't get a vanishing or corrupted player. I'd still like to understand how it can draw different characters in Windows, and in LFS. Please can you run this language test exe and post a screen shot of the result so i get to see what your system codepages are?

Quote from CrazyICE :...some ^appeard but they should not exists IMO.

Thanks for the test results. It's good that you couldn't create a corruptable player name in P10. I think it's impossible to make any ^ characters appear in P10 now, by pressing the delete key. You can only get ^ if you actually type ^ because of the way the new text entry thing works.

Quote from ORION :The font looks a bit strange

But is it ok if you restart LFS? And if not, then what happens if you try the P9 exe? Seems strange that the font should be corrupted as i haven't worked on that part of the program.
I checked the text messages, everything seems to work properly. All my three languages show normally in one text line without conflicts. As for the testИtest.ply, here is how it looks. No errors with this player. A Cyrillic player name neither causes problems.
Attached images
It only showed up after the first load. everything working now

You have to press Ctrl to open the small "select colors toobar" in the talk window. Why not display it always?
This thread is closed

TEST Patch P4 (now P12)
(556 posts, closed, started )