The online racing simulator
I have a proposal, because I am still baffled with high shipping prices.

Now, we have VvV inc. located in the Netherlands as the main distribution point, right? I am to assume that these shirts are made in XXX country, then shipped to VvV inc., and then he would be the sole distributor.

So, how about if the maker of the shirts were to send the invoice for services rendered to VvV inc. in the Netherlands, but have the finished products be distributed to various locations around the world? For example, the UK, Norway, Germany, Spain, Brazil, The United States and Canada. And obviously, one person per country to distribute the products, as chosen by VvV inc.

Lets look at how this would work from start to finish. JakG really wants a Live For Speed shirt. He goes to VvV inc online and orders the shirt via PayPal or however the method VvV inc. would have set up. The invoice can then be routed to the UK distribution person, who would then ship it via UPS or DHL or oxcart or whatever local method would be employed for that region. Think of the savings in shipping by not shipping through various countries, but by taking the most direct route possible.

Victor, I am looking out for your best interests, plus I am a capitalist pig and this is how I think. I am just in the the belief, after reading about such high shipping costs, that there has to be a better way. I know after I post this there will responses in the manner of "Yeah, but..." Well, how do you know it wont work unless you try?

Bottom line is, I want to see you succeed with minimal burden. I CAN be done. I KNOW it can.

Let me know of your thoughts on this.

I guess there are some things in LFS that would be better then t-shirts. But t-shirts make you guys more money
Quote from GP4Flo :(I guess these were the only de items that actually arrived in europe as well ).

No no Flo ..i also got my order...ehhhhh not everything.. But i did get a refund after all. But no money for the time i used mailing them and there was never any respons on them..

That was a real sad story with dE....
keep us updated please vic.
Quote from hazz :



you printed that yourself, obviously... didn't you?
Quote from Infiniti :Middle of the United States. mmhhh shipping will be more expensive than the flipp'n product Worth it of course. Unless I go to my local shirt design store and just say I want one for myself...

Jesus Christ ... as a Pats fan in the UK they charge more for sports team merchandise and the p and p is a joke.

£13 ($25) for a cap is barely acceptable. This is before before p and p is in the equation £5, $10 for my friends the other side of the Atlantic, more than a Russian Mafia FC (Chelsea) cap.

But THREE TIMES that - a whopping $75 (33 quid!!) for posting a bloody cap to England (not South Africa, which pays the same rate) - it's not as if I live in the Isles of Scilly either.

I'll see how extortionate the Red Sox merchandise is


They don't even put it in before the checkout
Mods, move if this is too off topic.
#32 - Jakg
Quote from jayhawk :Lets look at how this would work from start to finish. JakG really wants a Live For Speed shirt. He goes to VvV inc online and orders the shirt via PayPal or however the method VvV inc. would have set up. The invoice can then be routed to the UK distribution person, who would then ship it via UPS or DHL or oxcart or whatever local method would be employed for that region. Think of the savings in shipping by not shipping through various countries, but by taking the most direct route possible.

oh smeg yeh i want a T-shirt!

Just hope it pulls more girls than the one that says "" on the front and "Techno Geek" on the back!
I thought I'd write a small update :

Basically I'm ready to put the shop online. However I'm delaying it for the following reason :

As some of you may have noticed when driving online, the LFSW messages (new pb, /w requests) are often delayed during peak hours. This is because our server cannot really keep up anymore. So we've invested in new hardware and we're also moving our servers to a better location with more available bandwidth. This move is a rather big thing.
When I open the shop, the only thing I want to think about is the shop and not having to worry about LFS updates for a little while.
This is the reason I'm delaying the shop opening. When our servers have moved and all is back up and running again, the shop will open.

This server move should take place (by the end of) next week if all goes as planned (hardly ever does though).

So, this month the shop should definitely open. I hope you can wait a bit longer The shirts won't run away
Quote from Victor :
This server move should take place (by the end of) next week if all goes as planned (hardly ever does though).

So, this month the shop should definitely open. I hope you can wait a bit longer The shirts won't run away

Take your time, don't be pressured. Good planning always has good results.
Until then I'll just make my own from special paper and black shirts