I fooled around with the autocross editor a bit and decided to release the result.
See attachment for lyt file and here's a video of my driving it (pretty slowly).
If you think that visibility is bad then yes, I know that. In the video you can even see me once aiming for the wrong stack of tyres where I mistook it for the apex. Drive the layout slowly for a couple of times before really going at it. Looking at it from bird's eye view doesn't harm either.
(Actually the name has nothing to do with mining, but more with the fact that it is mine. But thanks to the ambiguity of that word I had a name for the layout and didn't even have to rename it!)
I fooled around with the autocross editor a bit and decided to release the result.
See attachment for lyt file and here's a video of my driving it (pretty slowly).
If you think that visibility is bad then yes, I know that. In the video you can even see me once aiming for the wrong stack of tyres where I mistook it for the apex. Drive the layout slowly for a couple of times before really going at it. Looking at it from bird's eye view doesn't harm either.
(Actually the name has nothing to do with mining, but more with the fact that it is mine. But thanks to the ambiguity of that word I had a name for the layout and didn't even have to rename it!)