Nothing more satisfying then ram/bump fest
after a race.
most of what i want to say has been said.
After all the race is over, so no rules , there is a spectator option or you can press shit & r for nitro

or you can blow off steam by aiming at the guy who came 1st at 150mph

or just hassling them. (make sure target is someone who knows you obviously)
Now that prob makes me sound like a wrecker , but half the fun of this game is what happens after a race , like after the main show , the after show party begins
i would never leave car unattended anyway 99% of the time (ie not having hold of the wheel) A. makes to much noise B. is likely to damage wheel (common sense i would think)
Most people that have played LFS know the score on this one. if its a serious race , then obviosly respect is due .
but some of you guys need to relax a little, here was a new guy experiencing somthing he didnt think was fair game and suffered a very rare malfunction, some of you go overboard in personal retaliations , just an observation , not trying to fan any flames , please not lets turn this place into stress zone
Mazz4200 im sure youve seen how different admins and hosts and racers respond online to after race antics , they dont bat an eylid its the only time we racers can unwind

.... just try do what you do after a race in a race , you soon see those bats turn real , and get put in spec / kick or banned
hope i wasnt to harsh guys