The racing I've been doing lately was on the STCC servers. Why? Because they were full with racers
Also I kinda like the slower intense fights with the UF1 and can still be amazed by the feel of that little car and the difference setups make.
I'm not the quickest and not the slowest but enjoy a good clean fight and it's been my experience that the racing is very reasonable. Of course I get hit and used as a brake, but it does not bother me at all and actually is really rare. There's always a next race where I can try again to survive the first couple of corners

I just tag along at the back and learn the circuit, because it's probably another one I haven't driven on before
That's one thing I really like about the STCC servers. The fact there is a lot of racing because of the auto restarts and the switching of circuits and even # of laps. It makes it a refreshing and 'new' experience everytime I'm on there.
So there is a part of me that really would like to have a couple of these things as a standard server option in LFS (if they aren't already).
I agree however that the credits/licencing system is not for everyone. You should be able to drive all cars/circuits in my opinion if you want to do that.
It would be nice to have it included in a server version where you can activate it if you are so willing, but it should be off by default.
I know that I'd like to use it if I were to run a server and I don't know a thing myself about programming, so I could never create such a thing myself.
Are there any plans to make it (partially) available?