The online racing simulator
Drifting Is Under Fire!
(28 posts, started )
Drifting Is Under Fire!
People are trying to do away with DriftBattle and other drifting events that take place at Altamont. Please support DriftBattle anyway you can, even if it’s just telling a friend what’s going bad.

heres my opinion/what i said;
dude! that is ****’d up, rly i think that guy with the fohawk is right, they think we bring alcohol and drugs and make gangs, and whatnot, im pritty sure that lady is talking about the ricers that try to drift with civics in neighborhoods, “people with no common sense”

post ur comments below

thx guys

shoute out to for the news
No smoke without fire.
Quote from JDM Luv y0! :People are trying to do away with DriftBattle and other drifting events that take place at Altamont. Please support DriftBattle anyway you can, even if it’s just telling a friend what’s going bad.

heres my opinion/what i said;
dude! that is ****’d up, rly i think that guy with the fohawk is right, they think we bring alcohol and drugs and make gangs, and whatnot, im pritty sure that lady is talking about the ricers that try to drift with civics in neighborhoods, “people with no common sense”

post ur comments below

thx guys

shoute out to for the news

I understand your point, but if you want to convey your feelings to the majority who against something, please, please PLEASE articulate yourself in a dignified way. Let us pretend that I am against the drifting competitions, and you would like to convince me otherwise. If you spoke to me as how you typed, you would only reinforce any bias or stereotypes I may hold.
#4 - ajp71
I think the OP explains why there's a desire to ban drifting
#5 - JJ72
No need to add to the stereotype, I guess.

Normally I would defend drifting. Unfortunately, this thread hurt my pride, and probably that of many others
#7 - Davo
That sheet is wack y0! driftbattle is da bomb.

ps.s shouotuts to dfc-nozkid
i posted this in 3 other forums and myspace...i go to watch alot in summer time and school is almost out too..i still wanted to go this summer
Quote from Rooble :No smoke without fire.

No smoke without burnouts

I think that guy (the track owner) moaning about lost revenue isn't that bothered...he can always organise some proper motorsport events for those days that drifting is cancelled anyway!
Quote from Rooble :No smoke without fire.

Jesus, do you people ever get tired of being so righteous? I'm sorry, but that attitude is going to see race tracks closed everywhere. Its really time for the race and drift community here to STFU about their petty and stupid differences.

The Altamont affair is the mirror of events happening everywhere: couple buy a house next door to a race track; couple don't like the noise (and they don't ****ing care if its a race or a drift event); couple complain; race track closes (or enforces ridiculous noise limits).

The couple are using an arcane argument: that the race track is disallowed by its condition of use permit to use the infield. This will affect not just drift events, but AutoX and other events too. The couple are also complaining about free concerts held at the track. In short, they bought a house next to a race track and are now complaining about the noise....

Time to grow up, because your sport is being killed, track by track.

Some reasoned information, 'ca ... responses here so far....
Quote from nihil :Jesus, do you people ever get tired of being so righteous? I'm sorry, but that attitude is going to see race tracks closed everywhere. Its really time for the race and drift community here to STFU about their petty and stupid differences.

The Altamont affair is the mirror of events happening everywhere: couple buy a house next door to a race track; couple don't like the noise (and they don't ****ing care if its a race or a drift event); couple complain; race track closes (or enforces ridiculous noise limits).

The couple are using an arcane argument: that the race track is disallowed by its condition of use permit to use the infield. This will affect not just drift events, but AutoX and other events too. The couple are also complaing about free concerts held at the track. In short, they bought a house next to a race track and are now complaining about the noise....

Time to grow up, because your sport is being killed, track by track.

Some reasoned information, 'ca ... responses here so far....

"Let's close to the beach to enjoy the view of the ocean. Oh wait, we didn't know about no stinkin' seagulls by the seaside...

Oh s#@t, now we've got all this seagull NOISE and POO. It's all the fault of those stupid birds...

Wait, I know! I'll get whoever is in charge of this area to get rid of those stinking birds. If that ain't working, just call my lawyer and sue them for damages for mental and emotional distress..."

All the above sounds so familiar, eh? Wait, here's a better one:

"Some girl jumps off Brooklyn bridge, but somehow survives. She wakes up and thinks:

Hey weight, it's THEY who built the darn bridge. I should sue them for damages! It's their stinking fault for putting it there in the first place!"

It is now clear that intelligence and common sense are under the serious threat of extinction.
I really really hate noise complainers. It was the excuse used to effectively kill Monza (not sure about the current situation but that was government corruption at its best) and it has threatened a lot of UK tracks.

I think the best one though is the VGS place where I'm learning to fly has noise complaints issues because it is technically now a disused airfield and only flies three motor gliders in daylight hours at weekends. Yet these people chose to live next to an active RAF airfield and weren't able to complain.
Quote from ajp71 :Yet these people chose to live next to an active RAF airfield and weren't able to complain.

Must be those Tornadoes with their cannons and missiles scaring the s#@t out of those spineless and mindless litigative types. Or was it the that "silencer operation" we've heard so much about...
ban them noobs with no skill, leave it to the pro's to find a Good place to race
Quote from ajp71 :I really really hate noise complainers. It was the excuse used to effectively kill Monza (not sure about the current situation but that was government corruption at its best) and it has threatened a lot of UK tracks.

It's a shame that the downing street petitions thing has closed, I would have started one about sporting events (==> motorsport) and aviation being exempt from noise laws ...
Quote from duke_toaster :It's a shame that the downing street petitions thing has closed, I would have started one about sporting events (==> motorsport) and aviation being exempt from noise laws ...

The same is happening to my local track (Jarama) Just because some stupid rich bastards built their houses and a stupid golf field near it.

But hell!, they built their stuff long after the track existed!
We had a big problem with noise whingers back in Adelaide a few years ago. Lots of people were moving into new apartments in the city which were next to pubs that had live music (and had been standing there not bothering anyone for 150 years). They move in, notice there's rock music next door on weekends and complain like mad to the council who places ridiculous noise restrictions (we once had some old git come in while we were playing, holding a dB meter and he stood right next to the PA speakers to get his reading, instead of at his house, which perhaps would have made sense) or even temporary bans on live music! It happened at a couple of small places then the city's best live music venues came under fire from those infernal goddam "resident's groups", who seem to be mostly retirees who have no concept of what living in a city actually entails. The whole scene was seriously under threat, but after some marching and shouting and carrying on, common sense prevailed. Pubs got "first occupancy" rights (basically: we were here first, stfu n00b ) and any new blocks had to constructed with soundproofing & double-glazing (adding substantially to the cost for anyone wanting to buy them, ha friggin ha, suck it).

Hopefully a bit of common sense can prevail with these tracks too :up:
Quote from Jamexing :It is now clear that intelligence and common sense are under the serious threat of extinction.


I like that so going to use it in my sig
We dont have any real circuts here tho the one we do have ( made by the communist british ) is a p.o.s and theres no noise laws about tho it was concidered a few years back but luckly it didnt come in
man how lame can people get... i mean really? ban drifting..... wtf is next, no tires on cars?
Quote from T-6 TURBO :wtf is next, no tires on cars?

I don't understand what you are trying to say.
Quote from T-6 TURBO :man how lame can people get... i mean really? ban drifting..... wtf is next, no tires on cars?

Thats not quite the same. That is signature material though, thank you.

I also hate noise complainers. Nigel Mansell lives near me, has a Golf course near me and has recently bought a local karting track and has plans to make it bigger and host championship races. But noooooooooo the people who already bought their house near to a regular used karting track set up the Cancel Mansell campain. he was going to use the track less than before and set up sound proofing stuff. Now his thing has been refused.

Oh, ban drifting. I dont care about it in the slightest And please, no shoute outs to anyone, we are not a radio station.
Oh noez!

EDIT: crap, I didn't know I posted this. (I did type it though)
drifting is now an official racing sport in Ireland so i don't think there gonna ban it here anytime soon plus , America along side the u.k Australia Ireland etc where the firs few people to adapt theres style of "drifting" now the country that doe's it the most is banning it ? seems pretty weird to me

Drifting Is Under Fire!
(28 posts, started )