I've received an a request from Mercury to close the thread, and I'm sure it's right to do so. We all have our feelings on the whole thing, and a public roasting for anybody is going to help nobody.
Becky and I are back on speaking terms
and brainstorming again
. I'm making absolutely no promises on anything related to the STCC, because we've not touched on the topic.
I don't want the STCC to end any more than anyone else. I've invested a lot of time and effort of my own (as have many UKCT coders/financers, as well as a fantastic team of STCC admins) and so I'm sure you can imagine, the situation we're in now isn't what we'd ever planned for.
The STCC database remains intact, and is well backed up locally and remotely. You guys won't ever lose the licences you've earned. Hopefully in the future there will be an opportunity to improve on them. As I say, I can promise nothing more than my continued support for the STCC project, but I can at least promise that.
Lastly, I want to thank everybody for the support AND the criticism you've given us, over the STCC project. Whether it's been expressed or not, we have taken ALL of it on board. The STCC was the first project of its kind we ever took on, and although it HAS had its problems (many of them), we've learned a LOAD of lessons in the process and I'm confident that we've brought a good deal of fun, as well as an appropriate amount of frustration, to everyone's evenings of LFSing.
We will be back. Hopefully. Fingers Crossed.
Thanks everyone!