Pause - P You can't rewind replays at the moment, but this has been suggested in the Improvement Suggestions sub-forum. F2 slows down the speed of the replay and F3 speeds up the replay, so you can fast forward.
Join Date: Aug 2006 Damn that IS a long time, thanks for contributing to the topic Ok, been suggested alot that replays could be rewindable, hope they are one day
Quote from (-Mark-) :Join Date: Aug 2006 Damn that IS a long time, thanks for contributing to the topic Ok, been suggested alot that replays could be rewindable, hope they are one day They need it so when someone crashes you can pause and move camera around em like bullet time or something lol..
Quote from GruntOfAction :They need it so when someone crashes you can pause and move camera around em like bullet time or something lol.. You can. Press Shift+U and you can "freefly" around the crash.