It would be wonderful to see something similar to STCC coming up in the near future, but for everybody's peace of mind, I'd suggest waiting a week or two. Feelings need to calm down, rants need to be read to mirrors etc, and patches need to be done.
Becky, I salute you for your hard work! I hope you can look back on the STCC League in fond memories when everything is over. I hope your RL works out perfectly for you, gods know you deserve it. I wish you a happy future.
Sam, if you, and the rest of UKCT, manage to get something running, I'm sure you'd get as much support as Becky has have from the drivers.
Everyone else, go offline and perfect your sets, and lets meet on some server somewhere and have d%¤" good races! I hope to meet all you crazy bustards ( ;P ) in the near future, I just hope I find a car I can drive at the time. A.Yuukuno will still fight you for that 6th place every time I can!
Me? Well, I'll stay low for a week or two, gonna take a vacation rather soon as well. After that, I'll see if I can find some obscure server to race on, my RB4 skills should be up to par by then (still suck at the others.)
Goodbye STCC, may I meet your reincarnation.
K. Elfstrand