LFS's tyre physics assume that the tyre behaves as 16*3 blocks of rubber (or whatever the number was, not important here) that go from the top of the tyre-surface to the end of the usable tread.
This is a proper assumption for typical tyre operation. The tyre temperature and wear behaves properly when driving normally.
When locking the tyre this doesn't work well though. When a real tyre locks a very thin top layer of the tread heats excessively and melts away within a second, creating a flat spot. In LFS the complete tread-section has to heat until it starts melting. That's why it is so difficult to flat-spot an LFS tyre.
Since increasing the number of tyre sections isn't sensful (the double amount of sections would still suffer from the problem to a certain degree) LFS should make assumptions about the temperatures in the topmost layer of the tread which could then be used to model proper wear.
LFS's tyre physics assume that the tyre behaves as 16*3 blocks of rubber (or whatever the number was, not important here) that go from the top of the tyre-surface to the end of the usable tread.
This is a proper assumption for typical tyre operation. The tyre temperature and wear behaves properly when driving normally.
When locking the tyre this doesn't work well though. When a real tyre locks a very thin top layer of the tread heats excessively and melts away within a second, creating a flat spot. In LFS the complete tread-section has to heat until it starts melting. That's why it is so difficult to flat-spot an LFS tyre.
Since increasing the number of tyre sections isn't sensful (the double amount of sections would still suffer from the problem to a certain degree) LFS should make assumptions about the temperatures in the topmost layer of the tread which could then be used to model proper wear.