Charge you the standard price of a whole chicken and give you a 33% heavier/bigger chicken than you would normally have got or charge you only 2/3 of the normal price for the same sized chicken?
They slimply stuck 33% extra free on there, soaked it in water so it gained 33% of extra weight.. fooling you that you are getting a 33% bigger chicken for the regular weighed price....
so really they are giving you 33% of extra water...
Logically, no. Well, not unless the chicken was entirely water in the first place. Which I doubt.
CSU1 - another wonderfully thought inspiring topic from yourself I see. Haven't "we" had words with you about this before? Let's not make people repeat themselves...
On the contrary, I do see the funny side. I still consider the topic more suitable for an IM conversation, rather than a forum.
I know I'm not the only one who's annoyed with the gradual detoriation of these forums, this thread would fall under the very broad and ill-defined category of threads that aren't helping the matter. Overall it's an awkward situation, threads on their own don't really warrant closing, yet between them all they make the place seem like a random chatting ground. Off-topic is a space for LFS forum goers to talk about things not related to LFS, it isn't to be used to chat randomly with friends about everything and anything, nor should it be your main reason for browsing the forums (that's in general, not aimed specifically at you).
Damn I must seem moody but this issue keeps getting worse and gets on my nerves sometimes (well, often).
I agree, word for word. I miss the days where there was so much information on these forums that I'd learn more here than at school. When it first started out, there were many an ISI fanboy here and many flamewars to go with. Then last year's April patch came out and everything quieted down, there was no spam and the forum was full of information. I miss that. I wish I'd been grown up enough at the time to absorb it all.
I don't see what the fuss is all about beings this is the off-topic section. Every forum has an off-topic section that people post, well, off-topic stuff. The whole point of the off-topic sections....
As for the chicken? I had thought the LFS community was smarter than this.... The 33% more chicken is clearly PREGNANT!
er..I always thought that chickens laid it wouldn't have more chicken, would it?
I think that the 33% more is just extra muscle to enable it to cross the road quicker than the duck!