I've watched all but one or two of the STCC 'casts this season, from what I recall. I also saw a few from last season.
This has been by far the best I've seen so far.
I'd usually have more comments if I did this regularly, but it's 1:30 a.m. as I write this, but I'll drop off a few.
> The new intro is very high-quality stuff. It's got less clutter with CG's than the old one.
> I like the ticker at the bottom (good on 'ya for keeping it in Title Safe). Just a couple small bits to add: I might like it better if it paged through a bit faster. Also any timing info that might be useful could go in. I'd rather see timing & scoring than car thumbnail. But that's just this TV guy's opinion on fonts.
> For the replays: The transition to and from replay...not the worst, but not the best. A simple wipe across with the STCC logo wiping in FG while the BG transitions as it wipes would be more than enough. And in my experience in sports production, anyone I've worked with and I have always tried to have a different angle in the replay. Not that there's anything wrong with replaying from the same angle, but it helps give a different perspective.
> Commentary was still exceptional, except it seemed to me like you were trying to force excitement, or be someone you aren't really as a commentator. Best is to be yourself. If you're sincerely excited, be it, but don't throw out more than you really are, which is what it seemed like to me at points. Don't get me wrong, I still very much enjoyed all the commentary.
"Meh's" (things that aren't positive or negative, just things that are. Ish.)
> I don't expect that this would be too difficult to do, but I don't know exaclty what system you do your editing with, but indeed try to include a constant leader-lap display, ala FOM's world feed box, A1GP, et al. And perhaps also for informational purposes, have a little colored box pop up whenever there's a local yellow, or SC, and stay up through the duration of the situation.
> This is the part of me that developed from hanging around Ohio University's journalism school nerds all the time (incidently I'm a student at Ohio University), and taking the Precision Language class. When on the graphic indicating the SC's being called in, the term "Coming In Now" might possibly imply to most that the SC will be in at that moment. Anyone who knows the track and the event knows this isn't the case, but I hope you get my point. "Safety Car In This Lap" would be a bit better, or some variant on it.
Apologies for the long post, but I intend it as constructive criticism. Good racing action all across, though. In general, I'd give it a near-perfect score. Say, 9.5/10.