The online racing simulator
Hello , im new here (Safety Car skin request)Got a picture now
Hello Every body My nam Are Borat (joke) i would to like to request a Xrt safery car skin couse i cant find anything in the search fourum thing

Check the attached image that like how i want it to look like
Attached images
He means a saftey car, like in real races.

You could just write SAFTEY CAR in big bold writing on the side of the default skin?
No one here can spell, it's 'safety' not saftey.
Maybe that will help somewhat.
Quote from HaBBarN :Hello Every noob drifters nd pros i would to like to request a Xrt saftey car skin couse i cant find anything in the search fourum thing

PS:Btw im a newb here so dont Blame me for beeing n00bish

"n00b Drifters" hmm, well yes im a drifter and im not being fanoboyish, but to drift requires skill somewhat, so what makes them noobish? and i just saw that you called yourself noobish....o...k..

Anyway, about the skin, why not just get it and slap safety car on the side maybe with a few decals? also, demo racers cannot see skins, unless EVERYONE on that server has the EXACT same skin with the EXACT same name.
i know but what if i want my car to look nice then?
Quote from HaBBarN :i know but what if i want my car to look nice then?

Well, safety cars are'nt meant to look nice. There meant to look bold and simple, so that when it drives past people, they go "hey, its a safety car! woooow" instead of it driving past with vinyls, hundreds of decals etc and then they say "what the heck is that thing?" you see my point?

look at the freakking picture thats how i want it too look even if its nice or not and i DONT WAN LIKE 100millions off Decals and please Dont me more OFF TOPIC
Quote from HaBBarN :look at the freakking picture thats how i want it too look even if its nice or not and i DONT WAN LIKE 100millions off Decals and please Dont me more OFF TOPIC

well i would have seen that picture if you added it the first time you posted! You only added that picture yesterday!!

Make the skin yourself, its not that hard!
