The online racing simulator
Incompatible TEST W17 - 32 Cars
(341 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :Anyways bringing up a possible bug here , i think, with W17 on 3 different servers ive noticed the Chat being cut short, if someone or myself has typed in a long sentence/paragraph. eg.
if i typed "today is the greatest day ive ever known, today i forgets how big this game has grown, today is the only day ive ever known, today is one day i dont want to spend alone" (copyright@AL)
other racers/ users would see somthing like "today is the greatest day ive ever known, today i forgets how big this game has grown, today is the only day ive"

I've been trying to reproduce this on a local host, local internet hosts, visited some real internet hosts and I can always type 95 characters, and 95 will be displayed.

Is this something that happens every time you type a long sentence, or only sometimes?

You are supposed to be able to type and display 95 chars.

I tested with my latest version and W17 - no problems found.
Quote from Scawen :I've been trying to reproduce this on a local host, local internet hosts, visited some real internet hosts and I can always type 95 characters, and 95 will be displayed.

Is this something that happens every time you type a long sentence, or only sometimes?

You are supposed to be able to type and display 95 chars.

I tested with my latest version and W17 - no problems found.

We CAN type lots of chars, and the message is displayed in full on our OWN screens...but not on anybody else's.

If you feel like popping into [dSRC] Battle Grounds #1, we can demonstrate
Scawen , the person typing sees his/her message, but others see a cut-short version. Ive tested on my own server, team [dSRC] server and OLT and some others all exhibit same problem.
asked various people to check who joined to make sure im not going mad

Ok i think i found the problem after scratching my head , and testing , its seems servers with insim relay are affected, servers with none seem fine.
I can verify this from a stint on the Core W17 server last night. Another guy was on Ventrilo and I asked him if his whole message showed on his screen, which it did, and the same message on my screen was truncated.

If I can find a replay, I'll post it.
Ah I see, that was a bit silly of me not to test what another guest could see!
Invisible track (except heliview)
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :sorry to be a pain , but heres a strange one bug. W17 server with insim
its rare this happens from my own experience, anyways hope it helps. ... mp;stc=1&d=1178636082

ive seen that a few times even before w17, it only seems to happen to very laggy people, atleast from what ive seen online a few times, thing is i dont think eckh was lagging was he?
It is more common in W17 if you join qualifying hosts, because of the new start position in the pits, the small piece of code that stops that happening wasn't activated. I've fixed that now so in the next test patch it should be rare again even if you join a qualifying host.
LFS is getting better and better, great job....
But offline the AI drivers are still stupid drivers, and now they have to qualify out of the pitlane they have a new problem, they don't know how to drive through the pitlane.

When I start a offline qualifiing session with AI drivers I have the following message:
S2 Alpha - AI drivers can't yet qualify - they don't know how to drive through the pitlane. ... /aidriverscantqualify.jpg

When are you going to fix the AI drivers in LFS ???

Quote from HeerBommel :LFS is getting better and better, great job....
But offline the AI drivers are still stupid drivers, and now they have to qualify out of the pitlane they have a new problem, they don't know how to drive through the pitlane.

When I start a offline qualifiing session with AI drivers I have the following message:
S2 Alpha - AI drivers can't yet qualify - they don't know how to drive through the pitlane. ... /aidriverscantqualify.jpg

When are you going to fix the AI drivers in LFS ???

1) No yelling for features
2) Who do you think put that message in the program? Do you think Windows can magically figure out that AI can't drive the pit lane? It is WAD for now (Working As Designed).
Quote from HeerBommel :
When are you going to fix the AI drivers in LFS ???

Im guessing friday of next week, unless something comes up.
Quote from stevewhite :Im guessing friday of next week, unless something comes up.

That's ambitious. For AI drivers to be able to know how to get through the pitlane, Scawen already mentioned that track updates are needed which will only come in a physics incompatible patch. So 4-5 months from now might be a bit closer to the truth.

(Disclaimer: Closer to the truth doesn't imply perfectly accurate. AI improvements might even come after Patch Y
no features please, bug reports.

Well i thought the moment would never come, but i found my first lfs bug. Although i doubt if it is a W17 issue.
I was doing some rounds on KY GP Long Rev with the RAC. In my third lap when i go under the bridge i am suddenly on top of the bridge for no reason whatsoever.

Attached files
bug.mpr - 1.2 MB - 250 views
Quote from Mike85 :I found a bug I think. I use mouse and have autoclutch enabled. When I set it to OFF, the game starts lagging.

That's a bit ambiguous - lagging, in technical terms, usually means network lag (ie. a delay in the transfer of data due to a network). I think you're probably referring to stuttering - ie. a decrease in FPS. Does this actually happen consistently and does the problem go away when you enable auto-clutch again? The two things seem rather unrelated.
Thanks you all for the testing and comments on W17.

I've now posted some updates and fixes in W20.

Not everything is fixed - I still have a list of things to be done - but the most important ones should be done.
This thread is closed

Incompatible TEST W17 - 32 Cars
(341 posts, closed, started )