Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Terratory
Anyone play it ?? , ive been playing a few months and was wondering if anyoine else liked it..
#3 - AndyC
I could never get myself into the game. That True Combat mod looks interesting though. Does it make it a completly different game?
ye pretty much, its cooler imo and sniping is different but its cooler
Quote from AndyC :Does it make it a completly different game?

Yup, its nothing like ET at all. Download it and give it a've nothing to loose.
#6 - Krane
Quote from AndyC :Does it make it a completly different game?

Think of ET as Need for Speed and TC:E as Live for Speed. They are worlds apart
True Combat is nice. After a week I lost interest though. Decent iron sight system and it tries to be realistic but then again the game still somehow feels like Counter-Strike. Too fast paced. Maps are horrible, some major design flaws if you can do spawn whoring on every map... And way too small for 32 players. Also I didn't like how you could strafe and lean at the same time, unrealistic and makes the gameplay some ways annoying because you need to it all the time. Tougher recoil for guns would be nice too.
TC:elite is cool yeah but as someone said its too easy to get spawn killed, and from the short time i played it i didnt like the maps, it looks alot better than ET but some players ruin the game.
I play W:ET sometimes, but I dont own RTCW.
When I do play however I'm always on the BBA servers, but I haven't played in several months.
I used to play jaymod alot. I pwn at Jaymod. But then I play ETPro, and then I end up dying too much. TC:E is pretty much all I play now.