The online racing simulator
Post your best replays
(80 posts, started )
#51 - Nobo
Oh man, a few minutes ago on SO Town, did an awesome 2 wheeler, under the bridge, beginning of turn 2, the car was almost laying on the side, but get back to all 4 wheels again....just watch, crazy
Cyber|Misko, Cyber|Casper and myself have a good battle at SO3R with XRGs over 10 laps.
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so3r xrg_2.mpr - 1.6 MB - 226 views
5-lap Aston Club Sprint With XFRs
Myself versus [ITEK]Yugo45 over a quick 5-lap dash to the finish line
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as2 xfr vs yugo.mpr - 832.1 KB - 215 views
My worst race ever. South city in the GTR Mini, need a luagh, watch this as im useless in it.

Its an mpr, so make sure it goes in the right file.
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SouthLOL.mpr - 174.9 KB - 198 views
heres my spinning top impression,

just watch me (tinvek) down straight after chicane
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spin.mpr - 142.3 KB - 177 views
Sorry for OT but I get "obsolete video" when I try to load any .mpr replays. Any ideas?
Quote from kompa :Sorry for OT but I get "obsolete video" when I try to load any .mpr replays. Any ideas?

It means that replay was made with older version than your game is. I guess you have patch U, so you can only see replays made in patch U.
Thanks, mejlus!

Quote from NotAnIllusion :5-lap Aston Club Sprint With XFRs

Very nice
i cant watch these videos, when im opening them in patch U it says "video obsolete".
i even tried with my Patch Q LFS didnt wotk! plz help me! those videos seem fun i wanna watch them!!
do you mind coding them into .avi or anything else?
Race Review
I will just bring this topic back to life to showcase these 3 files of , in my opinion , good racing.

This was taken earlier tonite / last night ( tis midnight here ) on the LFSNorge server of LFS S2 , the track is South City Classic and the equipment is the v. nice MRT5.

I have summerised the main points of each replay , to save you missing any special parts of the 8-lap action within each race.

Now obviously , i disclaim that I hope the racers mentioned let me write up about 'em , and that i can use the server name and not all incidents may have happened exactly as i say they do.

But , they are listed below , so it should be easier to watch each part that happens.

lets start.

RACE 1 ...

Good amount of starters , and good racing throughout.

Raffe goes off early , and the pack head up to the first corner where we all attempt to file thro ( some more succesful than others )

Straight after this , quickly move to my ( RenaultF1tm cockpit camera/view ) and watch what happens just exiting the chicane ( luckily i have reactions of a sleeping cat ... )

The pack spread out after the chicane , as most tend to do ( for obvious reasons ) and most interest is turned to Raffe and MightyFc from 3rd lap until around 5th lap , where they are in a close and enjoyable-to-watch racing mood hehe.

As LFSNorge takes the race into 6th lap , just after the bridge , VDT|_Tdnoz_ is caught unaware by the blueflag system and commits race suicide to stop himself from crashing with race leader , good on you VDT ! lolol

The action then centres on Goose on his 6th lap just after the chicane , as he hits the barrier and does something worthy of a " 9 " in an indoor gymnastics event.

For the rest of the laps , steady racing is in place , as GFsC*Yahh(NOR) pulls out the stops and hits some nice race times for the track ( 50:**s ).

That concludes RACE1.

RACE2 starts shortly after , and so you'll notice the same names just about.

RACE 2 ...

A close racing contest is observed from the start .... for the first 20 seconds or so anyways ...

Then at T1 , the drivers begin to pick there way through the MRTs lying strewn on the course after a race incident ( yes , that i caused )

However , i pick myself up and viewers are recommended to watch my MRT as yet more close and professional racing is commenced on 2nd / 3rd and 4th lap by me and drivers around me.

Then , on that lap , ( 4th ) i get yellow flags for the course ahead no less than 3 times , and watch particularly the last turn on that lap , as I nearly get crushed by a MRT that has flipped the pit lane wall ( dunno how he did it ) , barely missing me ( those sleeping cat reflexes again methinks )

LFSNorge.Net pulls some nice times as well , ( under 51s ) for the following 2 laps.

I somehow manage to crash going down a relatively straight part of the course entering my 6th lap ... illepall

DFHZRichie has an alteration with a metal fence after exiting the chicane on his 6th lap.

Good times and Good driving is pretty much the order of the day for the last 2 or so laps.

RACE3 was also in quick succesion to RACE2 , and so here it is ...

RACE 3 ...


But , sods law ... there is an incident at T1 in lap 2 although nothing major.

Just before lap 3 , I somehow find myself in 2nd position and make a determined mental note to gaurd that place with my life !! ... ...

... by the end of that lap ... i was back in 3rd place

Nice Driving and Good times by and GFsC*Yahh(NOR) for the next laps.

I think this is the race where i somehow finish first.

That concludes the Race Reviews

Obviously I missed some parts of each driver , as i cant view them all at every second , but the above for all Races is definately some of the best ( and funniest ) parts of the action.

Thanks for viewing folks.

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race1.mpr - 804.9 KB - 239 views
race2.mpr - 709 KB - 220 views
race3.mpr - 670.1 KB - 225 views
Had a good fight with Vain on the lemans league server.

Watch vain in the drift machine and me in the econobox
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AS4_goodrace.mpr - 846.2 KB - 237 views
Quote from kamo2000 :Here's my replay from stcc race(tbo)

Wow, fantastic race!

My driving isn't good enough to have any racing replays like this, but I have something funny. Have you ever seen a shocked wrecker? I mean, these guys have seen everything, the worst crashes. Is there anything that can amaze them?

Watch the driver aptly named "SmAsH", as he smashes into another car in lap 2, and then sits on a backstraight corner waiting for his prey...
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SmAsH.mpr - 509 KB - 214 views
Well why are playing on demo ? I never show my face there - this moron have the same number plate as me
I don't know have you heard for OPS, but that league goes on TV. Anfortunutly it's only for Ex-Yugoslavia (Serbian language) players. But we have practice servers and there is always great action. Here are my 2 best replays from last 2 races. Get your camera on me all the time and enjoy.

Server: GromNet & Serbian Racing Team Server
This are teams you can find there and have great races whit them:
cyber, Muroc, SERT, CROteam, RTS Lino

There is other tread like this, I think the name is: Your pricles moments in LFS. You can find there 4 more great races from me
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SO action.mpr - 500.2 KB - 180 views
N I K I vs. ToniX.mpr - 512.8 KB - 215 views
@kamo2000 (4IRKamo): I whatced your replay, wow that was racing....
I can't find it right now, but when i do my best replay would be from the stcc server 1a, where I fought back from last to first and won the race at south city hehe... ill go and look now

EDIT: here it is
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good win.mpr - 1.2 MB - 197 views
CTRA GT2 class
Wow - this thread refuses to die!
I used the search function
Ok this one from the ZWR Baby-R Server (UFR with 45% Restriction)

Some of the best racing I have come across

I'm car 100 Halfords Racing with a photo finish for second
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ZWR Baby-R Great Race.mpr - 395.7 KB - 164 views

Post your best replays
(80 posts, started )