I will just bring this topic back to life to showcase these 3 files of , in my opinion , good racing.
This was taken earlier tonite / last night ( tis midnight here ) on the LFSNorge server of LFS S2 , the track is South City Classic and the equipment is the v. nice MRT5.
I have summerised the main points of each replay , to save you missing any special parts of the 8-lap action within each race.
Now obviously , i disclaim that I hope the racers mentioned let me write up about 'em , and that i can use the server name and not all incidents may have happened exactly as i say they do.
But , they are listed below , so it should be easier to watch each part that happens.
lets start.
RACE 1 ...
Good amount of starters , and good racing throughout.
Raffe goes off early , and the pack head up to the first corner where we all attempt to file thro ( some more succesful than others

Straight after this , quickly move to my ( RenaultF1tm cockpit camera/view ) and watch what happens just exiting the chicane ( luckily i have reactions of a sleeping cat


The pack spread out after the chicane , as most tend to do ( for obvious reasons

) and most interest is turned to Raffe and MightyFc from 3rd lap until around 5th lap , where they are in a close and enjoyable-to-watch racing mood hehe.
As LFSNorge takes the race into 6th lap , just after the bridge , VDT|_Tdnoz_ is caught unaware by the blueflag system and commits race suicide to stop himself from crashing with race leader , good on you VDT ! lolol
The action then centres on Goose on his 6th lap just after the chicane , as he hits the barrier and does something worthy of a " 9 " in an indoor gymnastics event.
For the rest of the laps , steady racing is in place , as GFsC*Yahh(NOR) pulls out the stops and hits some nice race times for the track ( 50:**s ).
That concludes RACE1.
RACE2 starts shortly after , and so you'll notice the same names just about.
RACE 2 ...
A close racing contest is observed from the start .... for the first 20 seconds or so anyways ...
Then at T1 , the drivers begin to pick there way through the MRTs lying strewn on the course after a race incident ( yes , that i caused

However , i pick myself up and viewers are recommended to watch my MRT as yet more close and professional racing is commenced on 2nd / 3rd and 4th lap by me and drivers around me.
Then , on that lap , ( 4th ) i get yellow flags for the course ahead no less than 3 times , and watch particularly the last turn on that lap , as I nearly get crushed by a MRT that has flipped the pit lane wall ( dunno how he did it ) , barely missing me ( those sleeping cat reflexes again methinks

LFSNorge.Net pulls some nice times as well , ( under 51s ) for the following 2 laps.
I somehow manage to crash going down a relatively straight part of the course entering my 6th lap ...

DFHZRichie has an alteration with a metal fence after exiting the chicane on his 6th lap.
Good times and Good driving is pretty much the order of the day for the last 2 or so laps.
RACE3 was also in quick succesion to RACE2 , and so here it is ...
RACE 3 ...
But , sods law ... there is an incident at T1 in lap 2 although nothing major.
Just before lap 3 , I somehow find myself in 2nd position and make a determined mental note to gaurd that place with my life !! ...

... by the end of that lap ... i was back in 3rd place
Nice Driving and Good times by LFSNorge.net and GFsC*Yahh(NOR) for the next laps.
I think this is the race where i somehow finish first.
That concludes the Race Reviews
Obviously I missed some parts of each driver , as i cant view them all at every second , but the above for all Races is definately some of the best ( and funniest ) parts of the action.
Thanks for viewing folks.