shooting games good 2??
a month ago i made a shooting game called 'inside outside'... but now making a game with same name but different story... should be finnished in a month now u got something to look out for
albatross18 - a golf game but not the classic boring style, graphics are manga like, yet very cool and a fun game.
been addicted to it for over a half year and still play it every day.
Try, it's an online FPS/Strategy-Mix and uses the Quake3-Engine.
Basically it's about a battle between humans and aliens, the interesting part is that you can also play on the alien side. While the humans use guns, laser-rifles, granades and other technical stuff, the aliens bite, beat, or trample down the enemy.
Along the lines of Quake 3 engine based stuff, there's OpenArena at
There's also a game called Sauerbraten (, which has the rather nice feature of multiplayer map editing, where anyone in the game can edit a map while in play
Toribash is a great game/sim much like truck dismount, except you have to contract/expand various joints of a person to injure( or decapitate) the other player within the minimum number of frames