The online racing simulator
LFSW suggestion: enemies list.
Ok, so the title is a bit blunt, but as we all know, some days you get on a server with someone you cannot stand, or someone who is alway laggy, or a wrecker, or whatever. Bottom line is, someone who would affect your gameplay enjoyment.

And before you get on to playing, you can check LFSW and see where they are; essentially, it makes quick work of you manually typing in each players name in the search box. This could also work for friends, too.

How about it, Victor? May take a bit of coding rework, but I am sure it can be done.

*EDIT* I know about the "racer and hosts" part on LFSW.

Wouldn't this just be the gas container to hold the fuel which causes the fire?
I have all my friends and enemies on my buddy list so I can see who is where.
I have no friends, so I just assume everyone I encounter is the enemy

You can search for other racers in the game (find user online - last button when you click to see the servers or create a server). Have you ever clicked the ? in the server list? It will tell you who is in the server, what lap, what car, how many laps the race is, etc.
/m find <username> also works
Quote from mrodgers :I have no friends, so I just assume everyone I encounter is the enemy

You're a true Republican then
Best not to have any enemies online, and just deal with it. If there is someone with tremendous lag, poor driving, blah blah.... then just don't play.

No reason to warn you on LFSW, wouldn't it be the same as adding them to your buddy list and then you could see where they are?
I don't see any point to this one. If someone annoys you that much, surely you'll remember their name for the future, no?

And if they're a total moron, report them to the Wrecker Barricade and sit back with a smug grin as they fail to realise their inevitable ban is approaching.