Engine sound mods?
(3 posts, started )
Engine sound mods?
I've been out of the loop for a while. Only really checking in on LFS Tweak. I was just wondering if there were any engine sound mods available, or even possible. Even the raspiness part of LFS Tweak would be nice: I could ratchet that up, and turn down the sound in-game. Just looking for some variety in sounds is all. Thanks.
Not really possible, no. Sure there are obviously a few variables for each engine that make them sound as they do and you could no doubt edit these in memory.

Cranking up the raspiness had a major floor, that being that it still didn't make the engines sound more like, well, engines (while S2 sounds do), and it would easily clip the signal, thus resulting in a horrible sound as soon as you revved it. In fact even now if you turn engine volume to 20 it sounds horrible in the race cars as it's just clipping all over the place.

With all the sound adjustments we had it would be nice to adjust the normal game sounds, such as the menu click and stuff. I mean by the time I've got the sound up loud enough to be like a real engine, that damn click as I go through the menus deafens me!
thats why I wear headphones. I take them off when I'm not racing. I agree about the clipping sound...however if you went WAYY over sometimes it would good, especially on the flat 5 or flat 10 in LFS Tweak, provided you don't hit 8000+ rpm. at least to me. I just am tired of this constant hum varying in pitch...engines sound more diverse than that, anything to have a change of pace would be nice.

Engine sound mods?
(3 posts, started )