Thank you for clearing that up Scawen, I take it I missed the earlier mention of it by your wording ...

Quote :there isn't a "PM" system in LFS yet.

Slightly [ok, majorly] off topic, but does the presence of the word 'yet' mean it's coming? If so will it be relayed via the master server for multi-server chat? Have you really seen the light!? ... If so I wont worry about doing the chat stuff I was thinking of doing, although i'd still happily write a multi-platform IM client if the chat is catchable from the master server if it was wanted?

What about channels?

Sorry for the O/T, but it's a lot of time and effort to develop this feature so I thought i'd ask before redoing it for patch X.
Quote from Aquilifer :Maybe not relevant, but just said my opinion that the solution would be wrong way to deal the problem. (with all the respect)

Just curious... what other way would you deal them than kick? Do you want to gather some kind of ping statistics?

If scawen would prefer to implement the functionality into LFS itself or the master server, fine by me. But since Insim V4 is currently under development and Scawen told us that this is the time to make packet requests I figured latency information was a feasible request. In my opinion it would be a great addition to Insim.

Then we could approach the issue as we see fit. Blatantly kicking HPWs would obviously be one solution. Though, a notification to a present admin would be another, perhaps more humane way of dealing with it. It would help the admin to find the person who is causing the lag and perhaps ask him to double check his background applications. For example.
Just a quick question: the /i command, and writing messages with the Prefix defined in the init pack, only works when connecting insim to a host right?

So when I'm connecting my insim prog to my lfs "client" (not a host), and I want to type a message inside lfs that I want only my insim prog to see, the only way to do that is by using the /mso command?

Why cant the Prefix, or at least the /i command, work with insim clients too?
I'm asking because I'm making a insim client app that involves alot of communication with the user through typing, and using a one char prefix there would be alot easier (for the user) than using the /mso "prefix" all the time.
OK good point, I've done something simple.

I've just changed the /mso command to /o so that saves 2 key presses.

Now it's just three keys : SLASH O SPACE and you can type your command.

I prefer that, it makes /o more consistent with the /i command.
Excelent, thanks.

Now, how can I distinguish between a /mso message (or later, /o message) written by the user running the insim app, and a /msg from an admin, without my insim app knowing the username (and then the CCID) of the user running the insim app?

Or, put in other words, is there a way for insim to know who of the players on the server is actually running the insim app (and then should take commands from)?

And, would it be possible to make a pre-/postfix to the F-keys bind so these messages is displayed in the lfs 't'-box instead of just being sent? For example, binding F1 to "~/o cmd" would open the textbox with the string "/o cmd" already written in it when pressing F1.
Edit: oops. a little off-topic with the request there... but it's very much (for me) related to insim, so I hope I won't get butkicked for this one..
No you won't get buttkicked hehe

But I won't do it for this patch either though I like that idea, a way for an F key not to "press enter".

Anyway, how you will distingish between a MSO and any other mnessage, is answered in the new update, as I've given a different value to the "User" byte for three different conditions.
Quote from Scawen :Anyway, how you will distingish between a MSO and any other mnessage, is answered in the new update, as I've given a different value to the "User" byte for three different conditions.

Oh, missed that one then.. so to be sure the /mso is from the player running the app, i'm looking for MSO with User == 1, TextStart == 0 and UCID != 0.. would this be bulletproof?

Edit: removed a question I figured out..
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