The online racing simulator
LFS Sim Mode
(24 posts, started )
LFS Sim Mode (more akin to leaderboards)
First off i'd like to say that, as you can see in my profile (and I believe beneath my avatar), I am a DEMO RACER.

This is just an idea that popped into my head. I really have no REAL experience online in LFS, and as such, can't (and won't attempt to) make any real judgments based on the current state of the online section.

Only reason i'm sharing this is because really, it has nothing to do with my experience, and is just a bare bones idea :\

Anyway, I figure it'd be interesting to have two different online modes, Race and Sim mode.

In Race mode, you race against whomever you wish, with whatever cars and car modifications you wish (as in, races are unrestricted based on experience).

In Sim mode, you race using cars that you purchase using credits that you are awarded for winning online races.

With these cars you may purchase parts and services that actual EFFECT PERFORMANCE, such as turbo and superchargers, clutch and flywheel upgrades, intakes, etc etc.

Many of these upgrades could have entirely subjective performance enhancing effects, similar to the adjustments currently provided. IE lighter flywheels and clutches, different types of tires, replacing of general car parts to lighten the vehicle.

The point of former parts/services would not be to incrementally increase the cars general racing ability (ala the GT series, where you basically use your credits to make your car "better"), but to make the racer think about what they plan on using this particular car for. If the racer is interested in racing rally events, they would race low level circuit races, and save their money to "build" a competitive rally car.

Winning races (and thusly credits) would be recorded to a users account. As a racer wins more and more events (of higher and higher level), new events are opened to the racer, depending on how they fare.

Example: A racer may chose to enter a large number of rallying events, and attempt to raise their skill in those events specifically, thusly allowing the racer access to higher level rallying events (with stronger competitors), but not access to higher level touring events.

The higher up a racer reaches in the events he/she may enter, the more the races they enter begin to cost, and the more the purse for said races would be.

The highest level events would require a racer to have an entire crew ready to support their efforts.

READ: The main point of Sim mode would not be for a racer to try to progress their car, but to progress their position on the online leader boards. Thusly, car improvements would be cheap and accessible (but not so cheap so as to let a racer who has just entered the game to enter say, Formula races), with the entire point of credits not to allow the racer to upgrade their car, but to allow the racer to enter more and more tournaments and events, and to make the racer THINK about what events they are entering (a racer would not enter an event costing millions of credits unless he or she believed they had a significant chance in placing highly in the event), thusly make races more competitive.

Increasing emphasis on this fact, would be that all car modifications available in Sim mode, would be available at absolutely no cost in Race mode. A racer may spend thousands of miles perfecting their car setup in Race mode, and change it as many times as they want, then take said setup with them to Sim mode, and spend credits that they have earned on said setup.

Both Race and Sim mode would take place online btw.

Just a passing idea that crossed my mind shortly :P
Then how does one who is extremely talented, but short on sit around and crunch credits time enter a supertalented event for formulas, or GTR's or what have you?


Can't say I like the idea.
Quote from Voided :Then how does one who is extremely talented, but short on sit around and crunch credits time enter a supertalented event for formulas, or GTR's or what have you?


Can't say I like the idea.


I'm not too sure I understand what you are saying (based on grammar).

If one is extremely talented, then they would have no trouble building a vehicle suited to the type of race that they are interested in, as they would win majority races they entered, and be able to progress to extreme paying races with no trouble.

If you're saying "what would a high level rally driver do when he/she wishes to enter a touring event", then the answer is still more of the same. He/she enters the lower level touring events, their experience in the Rally wins them golds nearly every race, suddenly they have the cash to build a touring car and enter 24 hours races.
so you are thinking about an online career mode of which the purpose is to make the online races more competitive? imo it could be an interesting system for a certain league, altho you dont really need a system that complex (and requires a lot of changes to LFS itself) to produce great racing. to do that a much simpler licence system like the STCC is probably enough.

i think LFS itself should remain a platform, which offers the environment with unlimited possibilities but no specific system for things other than physics and basic motor racing rules. so i dont think a complex system you described should be implemented into LFS
#5 - Gunn
Not the first thread making similar suggestions. Not the first time I'll say -1 to these ideas. I don't wish to ever see credits, purchasing tuning mods (= unequal and unfair advantage for some players) or story modes. Not the first time I'll say "I'm, just here for the race sim".
#6 - Jakg
Yes, because you'll earn credits, racing against someone with a 500 hp XFG, theirs NO way you'd win and you'd stay poor
Has been suggested before and has been turned down before.
#8 - amp88
If I get beaten I want it to be by someone who's a better driver, not by someone who's spent more time and earned more credits to build a better car than me. Setups, to an extent, mean that the cars aren't on a level playing field but the extent to which setups determine car speed isn't as big as, for example, having 150bhp more through a new turbo kit.
Sorry, but no credit things please. LFS had them and it was removed for a reason.

I think it doesn't suit LFS, those things are more for single player IMO.
I don't think it would suit LFS...

LFS is just pure racing (which already is simulation)

not à la Toca 3.
This sim mode idea that you talk about, has nothing to do with racing. It has everything to do with NFS though. It can stay with NFS as LFS is a racing sim, not a racing game.

In racing, you don't make money/credits to be able to put mods on your car. What racing series do have is licensing. You start out at the bottom and work your way up through different licensing, thus better and better series. This is what we need in LFS.

WAIT!!!!! Sinkoman!!!! We do have this licensing setup! It was formerly the STCC and is now the CTRA. You start with a low license and can only drive the XRG or UF1. As you complete races and progress, you earn points. After so many points, you are credited with the next license and have different cars available. Look around at the new posts. The CTRA is very hot topic currently as was the STCC before it's disolve.

Real racing is restrictive on what you can do to the car. You can't just bolt on go-fast goodies and go out and race. In real racing, you don't make money to buy more goodies. If you don't have the money to begin with, then you don't race. Like I said, LFS is a racing simulator not a racing game. Thus, it tries to simulate actual racing rather than petty gaming career modes and even track day. It's all about the racing.
There used to be a credit type thing back in the old days it annoyed the hell out of me! i would reinstall the game only to have the poo XFG to play with until i had gained some more credits while all my friends were lapping me in the faster s1 cars (so i couldnt win any credits), Im glad they got rid of it and i would like to bet most of the people back then were glad also
All the credit, licenses, and stuff like that should be made with external InSim apps.
nonononono D: D:

My idea with the the car parts thing would be that the parts available would provide have HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE enhancements.

You wouldn't buy a set of slicks and drop your car WAY down if you were going to enter rallying competitions.

In fact, I could see the whole car upgrading thing being removed all together (if this idea were implemented), solely because, as you guys say, LFS is a Racing sim.

The idea was that people can perfect their cornering and lines in Race mode, or just race for fun there, and then they spend credits on entering events in Sim Mode.

People with more credits in Sim Mode are obviously better drivers. Then once a good driver gets the credits to enter a high level race they've been eyeballing, they'd ONLY enter said race if they felt that they could compete on the level the race will take place at.

So somebody who still can't figure out what adjusting camber does wouldn't enter a 300 km touring race. They may have the MONEY to do so, but they know that they stand no chance of winning, so they won't.
Quote from sinkoman :
People with more credits in Sim Mode are obviously better drivers.

So people without credits would be bad drivers? Or perhaps they don't have the time or patience to slug away at 'levelling up'. This isn't an mmorpg, there's leagues and stuff that does cater for this (CTRA for example) but I definitely don't want to see this as the standard in the game.

Utterly stupid - just as stupid as credits. If you want a silly buying cars and crap simulation, that is what Granny Turismo 4 is for.
Well, the idea is good, but not for LFS. It's good for GT series, where it has been used
Quote from duke_toaster :-infinity

Utterly stupid - just as stupid as credits. If you want a silly buying cars and crap simulation, that is what Granny Turismo 4 is for.

No no no no no.

The credits are to be used for RACES. I just included the car idea because I figured it'd be neat to spend them on something else.

And I realise this will prolly never be implemented, and I myself would rather NOT see it used, but it was just a "PASSING IDEA" as in, it came to my mind one day, and I pulled it straight out of my ass.

Some people are getting really worked up on this :/
Quote from sinkoman : it came to my mind one day, and I pulled it straight out of my ass.

I'll kick it straight back up your ass then

Wrong game. Not wanted. Wont be a popular idea. Forget it.
what's this i smell gas hummm maybe i light this match


thanks for being a part of the community anyway
Quote from The Moose :I'll kick it straight back up your ass then


I almost died due to lack of breath from laughing at that mate.
Quote from Hatemaker :I almost died due to lack of breath from laughing at that mate.

Always glad to know I've made someone happy
bad idea wouldent work would require to much codeing and would make the online feild unfair, how ever i would like to see some kind of progression for online races and winning races rather then just laping quicker and having ur stats stored,

things i would like to see is
being able to setup boost duty and psi (once engine wear is right)
maybe the ablity to change spoilers on certant road cars For more down force
abilty to change wheel size's as in i wanted to drag i would put on the smallest rim i could IE 13's with lots more rubber at a lower psi for staight line grip

but these idea's may conflict with current car pshysic's IE incorrect car reponse so if they do (DONT DO THEM )
Quote from MAD3.0LT :
things i would like to see is
being able to setup boost duty and psi (once engine wear is right)

The TBO cars especially will benefit from this, high boost for short races and hotlapping, and less boost for endurance, adds some strategy too to some extent. Also, it can be used to bring the FXO back to the XRT's level, and bring the RB4 up.

-1 to SIM MODE.

We had credits in S1, and we could bypass it with making the AI slow and just driving carefully, no skill was gained.

This is LFS, not GT4/Forza/NFSU, so leave credits, modifications and push2pass at the front door

LFS Sim Mode
(24 posts, started )