The online racing simulator
Which LFS logo represents each part of the car?
Hi all! I wanted to ask if some1 could tell me what these LFS logos make which parts or liquids.

If you don't get what I mean, I mean like the way Bridgestone make tyres, Evostar make tyres, that kind of thing .

Freno make ?

Gripmaxx make ?

HiBite make ?

Tico make ?

Takai make ?

Volante make ?

Shinzooka make ?

Scavier solutions make ?

Nexx make ?

Gripmaxx and HiBite are tyres. Takai make helmets IIRC. Injext is fuel.
Evostar, Cromo, HiBite, Torro = Tyres
Injext = Fuel
Redexx = Oil
T-Phone, DT.UK = Mobile Phones
Scavier = LFS (ScawenVictorEric)
Tico = Brakes
Volante = Steering Wheels, Interiour
BMW = rubbish Cars

All are afaik.
Sorry, I will now :dogrun: