The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )
The GTA IV thread
Who's looking forward to it?

Looks nice, sound effects seem to be good (the sedan driving over the thingy on the road, you can hear it wobble). Character looks butt ugly, but I'm interested. I enjoyed the last GTA's for a bit, but it got downhill since vice city. Will this make it better?

I'd probably need a new computer to run this, so I won't be playing it when it comes out, but I am interested in how it'll turn out and I'd like to play it when it comes out. What about you guys?
The main character sounds, eh, Russian?

Seems like a promising game, Ferry Terminal suggests we can take ferry rides, and that blue converible wasnt too bad.
Ehuh.. so thats where all of shaddix's 3d cars are going, into GTAIV
graphics look pretty phenominal, hah, I like the building "getalife"

sounds Russian to me
oh lord, its setting is New York, I wonder how large the map will be this time :O
The trailer looks good, I just hope the graphics will look as good as they do on there in the proper game
I'm just happy I'm not forced to play as some damn 'gangsta' this time. Glad to see they went back to a proper crime family. Can't wait to try it out, the previous titles were all a blast (if not a little repetative). San Andreas was a past-time in College. If anyone has a PS3 this year I bet this will be, too.
I want that F*cking game !!!! now!!!
PS3 right ?
I'm suspicious about this until I see some real gamelpay vids. How many times game devs have given empty promises about "totally free game world" and so on...

Mafia still owns all so far released GTA games And what comes to pure style, it will probably own this IV too.

Dunno, it IS GTA, and there have always been massive maps, plus this is the Blu-ray generation meaning the GTAIV disc for PS3 will probably hold somewhere around 10 or so GB worth of information, surely they have a fair amount of Manhattan Island made up for the game.
Also I wont be surprised if the game ends up looking like this, especially after seeing what Motor Storm looked like ingame.
Quote from VTiRoj :The main character sounds, eh, Russian?

Niko Belic(main character's name in GTAIV) sounds much more like Serb/Croat/Bosnian.

Or maybe he is LfsN00b in disguise.
If it needs DX10, it's dead for me. I won't consider the PS-version, I did the same error with San Andreas. Great fun, but aiming is horrible and makes mission horribly hard
#12 - Gunn
I thought that last release in the series looked great too, but it turned out to be the worst game ever made. AI behaviour was rediculous, player movement was rediculous and the general plot was terrible. It will take more than fancy graphics for them to win my money this time around. The legacy of the series is the open plan gameplay, the ability to make your own decisions and more or less play freely or follow set missions as you desire. San Andreas was clunky and annoying and nothing in the game made up for that. All they needed was to adhere to the GTA VC method and improve the graphics without ruining the excellent gameplay that they had become famous for.
Quote from Thunderhead :Niko Belic(main character's name in GTAIV) sounds much more like Serb/Croat/Bosnian.

Or maybe he is LfsN00b in disguise.

The name is Croatian, you would agree but i've read on another forum that the characther is actually Lituanian.. "Good" work from Rockstar, they could type in Google: "lituanian names" and use one of those..

But, everything else looks absolutely stunning, as i also heard, the whole New York city would be in the game, like all the alies, buildings, exactly like it looks like in real life.. The graphics are great, cars looks great, there are plenty of people on the streets, just like in RL... i am actually considering buying PS3.. for games like GTA IV, Little Big Planet, new Pro Evolution Soccer ( i am drolling all over the place just imagining how it would look like).. it really pays off to buy it..
Quote from XCNuse :
oh lord, its setting is New York, I wonder how large the map will be this time :O

last info was this part of GTA will be 4 times bigger than GTS:SA.
lets see if its true.
Quote from XCNuse : surely they have a fair amount of Manhattan Island made up for the game.

Quote from Boris Lozac :But, everything else looks absolutely stunning, as i also heard, the whole New York city would be in the game, like all the alies, buildings, exactly like it looks like in real life..

AFAIK: It's not real New York, just a fictional NY look-a-like city with similar areas. All places etc. are fictionally named at least. So it's not going to be virtual NY city guide.
I think the game needs its atmosphere back, if you play GTA like nuts since the very first one you will get my point.
Quote from Gunn :I thought that last release in the series looked great too, but it turned out to be the worst game ever made. AI behaviour was rediculous, player movement was rediculous and the general plot was terrible. It will take more than fancy graphics for them to win my money this time around. The legacy of the series is the open plan gameplay, the ability to make your own decisions and more or less play freely or follow set missions as you desire. San Andreas was clunky and annoying and nothing in the game made up for that. All they needed was to adhere to the GTA VC method and improve the graphics without ruining the excellent gameplay that they had become famous for.

Granted I'm not a die hard GTA fan, but, what was different? Aside from the fact the PS2 version forced you to use the joystick instead of the D-Pad for movement, controls are the same, are they not? I figured SA was just GTA3/VC with more stuff.
#18 - JJ72
I only hope there's a option to drive the cars with steering wheel and pedals.
GTA IV will also be released on the xbox360. Microsoft have said the 360 wont use hd-dvds for games so you can assume this will fit on a normal dvd.

I agree with Gunn, SA was so clunky and pretty badly made its not really much fun. I have it on the xbox and the pc and it really only got played on the xbox as its just something you can mess around with for 30 mins without playing it seriously, whereas I take my pc games pretty seriously lol.

It also seemed to be pretty badly optimised as my pc back then struggled to play it smoothly, and was fairly high specced
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :last info was this part of GTA will be 4 times bigger than GTS:SA.
lets see if its true.

I read an interview the other week, (will try and dig up the link in a minute) in which the developer said the map is going to be roughly the same size as San Andreas but will be A LOT more detailed i.e. almost enitrely city based compared to the wide open spaces of SA.

EDIT: Go here for the latest info on GTA IV The interview i had seen was nearer the bottom of the page.
Uhh... I just bought Vice City Stories about a week ago for $20.
It's really pretty good and there are a few more different vehicles than in the original Vice City.... Actually, even though it's missing all the celebrity voices,
I still find it to be a better game than the original Vice City.
What I'd like to know about GTA4 is Laslow going to be in it?
Its been confirmed the map will be SMALLER then Gta San andreas but will be much more detailed, you can go into more buildings etc.
Booo. I want a big map!
Quote from LFSn00b :Yeah, it's me in disguise, LOL

I am so gonna kill you in gruesome ways

The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )