Need Some Help , Ideas With SKins
Hello all , ill get right to the problem , I made my first skin last night with no problems the main problem I am encountering is , I use the default car skin is there any way to get sum default car skins in a variety of colours? if so cud you post a few links , the only way that i know of changing the colour is to do it square by square which would take forever to do , Any help are Ideas would be greatly appreciated , Many thanks in advance
#2 - joen
I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Do you want the empty (white) skins in other colors so you can use them as a base for your own skins? Or do you mean to use in game?

If you mean the first, what graphics program are you using? It's quite easy to do if you use a graphics editor that is able to work with labels.

btw, this topic isn't really programmer related
hi , Yea i mena the default white skins as a base im wondering is there away to get sum ones the exact same as the base white skin but in other colours like black and so on , because when i finish my skin and put it ingame when i change the colour the pics and logos i put on the car disappear when i turn it balck are a different colour , im using , oh sorry if i posted this in the wrong place my bad , do u have any ideas how to get sum base colours that arent white ? , the only way i know of doing this is by doing it square by square which i dont fancy doing , wut u think?
#4 - joen uses layers afaik. The best way would be to load the default skin in, make a new layer on top of it and give that layer the color you want the skin to have.
I don't use, but in Photoshop you can set that colored layer to "multiply". That way the shading of the base skin will stay visible.

Maybe someone who uses can tell you how it works in that program.

Also, have a look around in the skin help section, you can find some useful stuff in there

#5 - M3N5U
If you can use photoshop, I have a good site where you can download PSD files kits that help me a lot to make skins. Those kits have layers that covers perfectly each part of the car that you can change color very easely. It also contain a wireframe and a mask layer that cover the part of the skin that is not use by LFS.

Here's a couple of pictures of what it looks like when you download it:


And this is where you can download a kit for each car and order useful things:


Good luck to you. Hope you find what you search.