Because my internet is unusable for online racing atm. I'm just driving around in my 500hp XRT. V patch.
I haven't yet made any backups for my W22 or so installation and because of the skins update in the latest test patch I haven't yet installed it... so W17 or so the most recent for me atm...
Getting a bit bored with LFS though... Maybe time for a short break before I get better internets connection...
Scawen and I are bestest of buddies, and I am privvy to inside versions of LFS and patches.
You guys are so behind the times.
I'd post screenshots, but they are in .jpwsuhd (Jpg Widescreen UltraHighDef) format that comes with Windows Heuristic Beta (I am also buddies with Bill Gates. You guys are so behind the times.)
W24 is now released.
Please don´t stay with older test patches, i see no sense to keep a old test patch, use then just patch W if u not use the actual test patch.
What would be the point of installing a test patch if you're not going to test it out (meaning the latest, as the others are already tested thus won't need any further testing)?
It says which patch you are using on the LFS MAIN MENU SCREEN at the bottom.
If your still running Version W you might find 500 servers
If your still running Patch W9 you might find 1 server
If your still running Patch W10 you might find 10 servers
There is currently 143 servers running patches compatible with W17,W19,W20,W21,W23 & W24
There will more and less servers appearing and disappearing until patch X is officially realeased. Maybe in the next two weeks or so. If you dont understand the concept of incompatible test patches and why there is alot less servers running test patches, perhapse you should just stick with using the first patch W until Patch X is official .