Is there a way to save conversations of LFS, in past versions i saw that there was one, but yesterday i couldnt find it with W, and if it's one on what folder does it save??
From wheat I've heard, LFS doesn't save conversations automatically anymore, so in your LFS directory make a new .txt file (test.txt for example) then when in-game, type /log text.exe
Open the file "data\script\autoexec.lfs" and Add the line /log=messages.txt Now it will log to that file every time you start LFS. The filename can be different. The File will be saved in the LFS-main-Folder. The autoexec.lfs file is a script (a series of /commands) which is run when LFS reaches the entry screen at startup.
ok ive done everything of putting /log=messages.txt in the script, now it will save the conversations?, but if I put /log in a server, it says that i dont have admin rights
Thats right, therefore u need the script how i said. The file will be created after restart LFS in the LFS-main-folder.
Now LFS make own error free screenshots use for this just the hotkey CTRL+S
The LFS-shots will be saved in the shots-folder of the data-directory. I don´t know since which patch it works, but its relative new, in patch W works it already. LFS will just save BMP-files. You can just convert all the BMPs to JPGs with one click, use for this just Easy Thumbnails .
- Change the settings in the program and close it just before making thumbnails
- Select all files u wanna convert
- right click at selected files and chosing "Make Thumbnail"
- Then are in the changeable Thumbnails-folder the thumbnails.
Every resolution is possible. You can create small thumbnails and thumbnails in the same resolution but just in another format, so is it possible to make JPG-Files with BMP-Sources.
If u have to make thumbnails from many images, it can take some time, but u can just going to drink coffee or going to make other things with the PC during this program make all your thumbnails.