Rallying/point to point?
(5 posts, started )
Rallying/point to point?
I'll be purchasing LFS in a few days, and was thinking, it'd be really easy to organize point to point races via timed auto cross runs on very liberally designed auto cross tracks.

I mean, after all, the whole thing with rallying is the "point to point" style, and lack of prior knowledge of the setup.

I figure it'd be fun to set up a ventrilo or teamspeak server, and have a bunch of channels for each driver/co-driver pair.

Then have somebody pre-design a series of 20 or so very eventful autocross tracks, then either get somebody who's experienced with pacenotes to run the track and make a .txt to distribute to the racers, or just have the co-driver run the course and do his own style.

Co-Driver prints the pacenotes and sets his view to "spectate" on his teammate's car (in cockpit view of course), then have the driver drop a passenger into his setup.

Driver Co-Driver pairs run each autocross track in rally style, using ventrilo to communicate, then switch to the next track, rinse repeat.

Add up the times, and you have a rally

Do any leagues currently do anything akin to this?

If not, i'd REALLY enjoy seeing this organized
SimRs league does a similar thing, no codriver just 1 lap per track on unknows tracks, it's not rally but it's the most similar thing for now.
Check it out here http://www.lfsforum.net/forumdisplay.php?f=103 (but new events will come in june) or on http://www.simrs.com/.
Your idea are very nice though, lets see if Xenowolf (the organizer) will pic some of them!
Yep the SimRS events are great fun as although you *know* the tracks the fact you dont get to practise makes it difficult. I think having real life co drivers would be great but quite hard to get enough people to want to do it tbh. We'll see how the first SimRS championship goes but i do think its natural progression will be to create layouts on current tracks so that its even more of an unknown
#4 - Mako.
I realy like this Idea, please PM me if anything unfolds.

Rallying/point to point?
(5 posts, started )