The online racing simulator
I'd say you've got a distorted and stereotypical view of artists. Needing praise is not being an artist, it's being insecure.
Quote from MAGGOT :The storefronts are low-res; that doesn't mean the track needs an overhaul. All it needs is some higher res storefronts and more people around the track, along with some garage detailing.

You wouldn't consider all new textures, additional textures, and detailing to be an overhaul?

All I can say is, while I love LFS, I'm really glad we have people in the community who have taken it upon themselves to "fix" the game's textures. With decent AA and AF enabled, and new textures installed, LFS can look quite good. The default stuff, on the other hand, looks quite sloppy.
Quote from Bob Smith :Someone else has mentioned that before, but I've never seen any evidence. As far as I'm concerned that's all rumour.

Concerning cars and tracks for S2, although this is all ancient news now, S2 was originally going to include updated tarmac and rally sections. The rally sections were dropped from S2 as they would have slowed development, but were suggested as being released as an add-on pack after S2. Since it seems that coding is the bottleneck, rather than car and track work, and we've been told that Eric has not started on any S3 related work yet, it could well be possible that Eric has created the rally content over this year, so all that means is for them to be added into the public release and we're away. The devs are very tight lipped about surprises, so that they remain surprises. This means that we can only ever speculate, we really have very little idea what is coming.

are we gonna see the subaru we can see in the options screen in LFS?
(remember the magical words from Eric:
Well, we have been approached by a well-known rally team who like LFS a lot! If everything goes to plan then we will have something interesting that rally fans can look forward to.)
Quote from BrandonAGr :It is clear the community would like an update(and don't say typing a 30 second message would slow work), a simple message saying he is alive and making progress on something would be appreciated but instead he flips us the proverbial middle finger by ignoring everyone.

I'd flip someone my real finger after popping in and reading something presumptuous like that

It's Eric's choice if he doesn't want to post updates or even read the forum and his reasons are noone's business. Sure, it'd be nice if he dropped a couple of hints as to what he's working on or posted a screeny (after all, what everyone really wants to know is "what's in it for me?", right?) but I'm equally fine with being totally surprised by whatever comes next (like with the BF1). Nowhere does it say Eric (or anyone else on the team) has to tell us what's going on, ever. We're fortunate to get the amount of communication we do - they're strides ahead of many other developers in that regard.

^Yes please, bring on that frickin rally car
Quote from Cue-Ball :You wouldn't consider all new textures, additional textures, and detailing to be an overhaul?

All I can say is, while I love LFS, I'm really glad we have people in the community who have taken it upon themselves to "fix" the game's textures. With decent AA and AF enabled, and new textures installed, LFS can look quite good. The default stuff, on the other hand, looks quite sloppy.

Replacing a few textures and adding some garage details is not an overhaul; an overhaul would be remodelling most of it, creating almost all new textures, etc etc. Adding a few things and replacing a few texutres is a simple update. (Simple used loosely, as I know a lot of work goes into those storefronts especially. Compared to doing an entire track, it is 'simple' though)
Quote from Don :but how could there be anything wrong with it? you can adjust how much will each texture become big when you decrease fov?

It isn't the size of the background, it is how high it is and how the perspective of the objects are wrong in the picture. There was a thread discussing this, and that image in SO isn't exactly correct when you look at the perspective and high the horizon is. Next time you take a picture Don, don't point the camera up in the sky, that is what fools you. Make it half sky and half track, and you'll see. If you try to put the horizon in the middle, the camera is actually not level.

What Eric might be doing... well I'd beg to get something new from him. The last thing he did was the BF1 which still needs to be finished. Before that it was about another year in between when we had something else?

Going to be a long wait if we don't get anything by Patch X. Summer break is coming up for mostly everyone here in school.... so if Eric has a box full of surprises, it will be great to enjoy those things by then. If nothing else changes in say... 4 months from now, I'll lose even more hope for S2's progress when it comes to Eric's job .
Quote from MAGGOT :I'd say you've got a distorted and stereotypical view of artists. Needing praise is not being an artist, it's being insecure.

See it your way, but I am not pointing towards insecurity type emotions.
I am also curious what the next addition to LFS will be in terms of cars/tracks, however if you take a look at the following pic, you can easily see that we will not know until the day a patch is released.

A member for over 4 years and not 1 post yet? I guess one way to look at this is that he doesn't waste time on the forums like we do , and actually works on new LFS content. Looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us!
Quote from XCNuse :May be, but Eric is an artist and has to be emotional.

Emotional? If by emotional you mean passionate then, sure, passion is important. Passion sustains the commitment and attention to detail that is needed to fashion any creative piece to a high standard, be it artwork, music, prose, even programming. And I can't think of a quicker way to kill that passion than to expose yourself to the petty squabbling, angst and sometimes outright hostility found in user-community forums such as this one.
:up: Well said Buddha.

I don't think that's an indictment of the LFS forum in particular though, I think it's inevitable with any large online community. If Eric wants to avoid that part of LFS's existence I don't blame him. I'm sure he and Scawen are in contact often enough for him to have a good idea of what's being discussed here.
Quote from srdsprinter :Scawen just said incompatable Patch Y, is quite some ways off. It includes Eric's updates, but Scawen hasn't even begun working on Y.

How do you know that?
Do you think it took Jan/Feb/Mar and some of April to implement false starts and more players online?

Scawen mentioned quite some time ago that LFS had "branched off" into two versions, that was back around Jan sometime IIRC. I would hazzard a guess (and only a guess) that at least some of the patch Y work has been started on to some degree.

Quote from Fischfix :the car is not only the model, don't forget it. it needs the physics and also balancing.

The physics are dictated by the car's specs - not a magic file that tells the engine how the car should behave.

Quote from MAGGOT :But, I'd rather have a new location than an updated existing one anyways. I'm still holding out for a Canadian venue (C'mon Scavier, you know you want to build a track in the BC mountains!).

FWIW "true" Artists are often tempermental interesting people!, personality type 4 FTW. That type is typically called the "artist". That doesn't mean everyone who likes to draw is that type of person though of course.
I tried to find it in one of his recent posts, but i recall scawen saying almost to the 't' "eric's stuff is coming in Y, but I haven't even started my part of Y yet."

Who knows, maybe he has. Like i said, i tried to find it, just couldn't, maybe i was wrong.
Yeah, you could be right too noone knows - but I'd be a bit bewildered that the recent changes took over 3 months to develop ... but I'm not writing it so who knows. If he said something to that effect, I would take it as he hasn't started the code to specifically implement Eric's work - not necessarily any patch Y work at all. Bah, more idle speculation. Which I guess is what this thread wants.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :I am also curious what the next addition to LFS will be in terms of cars/tracks, however if you take a look at the following pic, you can easily see that we will not know until the day a patch is released.

A member for over 4 years and not 1 post yet? I guess one way to look at this is that he doesn't waste time on the forums like we do , and actually works on new LFS content. Looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us!

don't worry! he might be lost his password! :uglyhamme
edit: sorry for bad english
Hankstar voted to ban speculation [press 1]
Vote Cancelled
Boooo, you aint no fun
Why does it seem that every 4 months a thread on Eric pops up, before it was me, this time it was Devil.
I'm thinking it's probably because we all want new content... Just speculation from me, though.
Quote from MAGGOT :I'm thinking it's probably because we all want new content... Just speculation from me, though.

Because asides from tiny little gfx updates, we havent seen any of his work for a LONG time, what has he been doing? nobody knows, what we all hope is that he's been doing something good, and not just some cockpits and a track update. So lets all speculate whats going down.
#96 - SamH
I reckon there's at least a little bit of misunderstanding going on.

LFS is an online sim, which I think gives people the ILLUSION that the people who DEVELOP it must be complete internet junkies. In fact, this just doesn't follow.

I know very little about Eric, or his working environment.. but I suspect that, if it were not for the fact that he probably has to send files over the net to Scawen every now and again, would probably still be on a 56K modem. In fact, he might actually BE on a 56K modem, and just meets up with Scawen for a pint every week or two with a DVD. Or perhaps a memory stick. Probably not even a big one, either.. 512MB I reckon.

We're pretty well all glued to the internet in general, and some of us to this forum in particular. Eric simply isn't. He has his thing that he does, and does it bloody brilliantly, but that places absolutely no obligation on him to get involved in either this forum, or Youtube, Digg, Google, Stickam, Wikipedia or any other aspect of the internet things we're all glued to.

You guys have to shake off the illusion that the internet is the centre of everyone's universe. For some people, the internet is very much on the periphery. For lots of people, it's not even on the radar scope. They do other things.. and they do Internet things when they HAVE to, and not unless.

Eric's busy with LFS-related content generation, and that's good enough for me. If he doesn't do forums, that's good enough for me too. You guys need to back off and stop demanding that other people do the things you do. It's just not fair, and I'm sure that for Eric, it doesn't make coming to this forum an appealing proposition in the slightest. If I were Eric, given the attitude of some people here, I'd be giving this place a really wide berth.
[devil's advocate]
Fine and dandy, but that still doesn't explain the tight-lipped secrecy about his work
[/devil's advocate]
/ban BBT 999

Sometimes, it'd be nice, just for Eric to end this all by going "THE ONE POST, TO END THEM ALL!"
Quote from dawesdust_12 :/ban BBT 999

Sometimes, it'd be nice, just for Eric to end this all by going "THE ONE POST, TO END THEM ALL!"

Which would be:

"I've quit LFS"

Quote from SamH :but I suspect that

As does everyone else.... Just acting like they know

Quote from SamH :he might actually BE on a 56K modem

Exactly my point :doh: *shame*
This thread is closed