Why yes I do know whats wrong with the industry, but that's a seperate topic...

OK, so your Scawen pedastal is higher than your Eric pedastal.
For me it's the other way around, but what do I know? It's not like I have any clue how few programmers you'll find at most games studios in comparison to artists... *pause*
Yes, why not? I said it would be possible for my team to make a model like the BF1 in around a month and that there would be some quality shortfalls. The same comparison would exist for any module of Scawens code. In fact I am sure we'd do the code faster, again though, Scawen is a perfectionist and that's not a skill my team possess

OK a more real comparison, my brother (who is the best 3D modeller in my team) produced this model of a Williams FW07 in somewhere in the region of a month ( I think a wee bit less ). He made it for himself rather than any given project, and was practicing low polygon modelling at the time - note that the car is just 2,700 polygons whereas LFS uses 20,000 or so per car. So you'd get about 10 times as many on screen.
It's good, but the BF1 is better.
Now for a code comparison take a similar module to a part of LFS and the nearest comparison I can think of and show you is the SRA software which bolts on to the other end of insim and runs the CTRA server (former STCC servers). This was originally produced in 1 day, although it has had tinkerings with ever since ... and it was in fairness a very long day

All I am saying is I have total respect for the work Eric does. I am not stating that he is categorically better than Scawen, i'm just saying he is doing a highly skilled job in which getting good results is slow. Yes we know he's been working on things for a while so sure he's got some work in store.
This conversation blew up out of me just saying, guys the quantity may not be as much as you are hoping. 3D artistry is a skilled and time consuming process. That's all.