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Need Help With LFSlapper
(7 posts, started )
Need Help With LFSlapper
:dunce: hello again as you know i recently set up a server and had abit of trouble getting it to load layouts with the help from harjun that is now sorted (thank you harjun)

im now trying to add LFSlapper but have no idea what im doing could someone please help me with a step by step guide of what i should be doing to set it up for drifting and how to get it to run on my server

also someone explain what the read me txt means by this "Extract archive to arbitrary directory."

thank you
I dont know anything about LFS lapper but without the red text it would be much better.I am not sure what you have been tring to achive by that but we are not blind and always helpfull in this section.
#3 - filur
Quote from X tempor :"Extract archive to arbitrary directory."

To extract is to return a compressed file to its original state. Typically in order to view the contents of a compressed file, you must extract it first.

A group of files compressed into a single file, which is then used for storage or transfer.

Based on or subject to individual discretion or preference.

In computing, a directory, catalog, or folder, is an entity in a file system which contains a group of files and other directories.

In short, unzip the files to wherever you want them.
Quote from filur :Extract:
To extract is to return a compressed file to its original state. Typically in order to view the contents of a compressed file, you must extract it first.

A group of files compressed into a single file, which is then used for storage or transfer.

Based on or subject to individual discretion or preference.

In computing, a directory, catalog, or folder, is an entity in a file system which contains a group of files and other directories.

In short, unzip the files to wherever you want them.

thanks just need help with the rest ofit
Get rid of the stupid red text, its annoying!

maybe he understands this...
sorry didnt mean to annoy anyone i just like the red text
Hey...dude you shouldn't have started a new thread...but you can add me on MSN and i'll help you if you dont understand the steps
In your Dedicated Host folder, basically, all you do is download the LFS lapper, (run a google search of it), then save that into the folder, Your server will be all normal. I think you can set up all the configurations of the server by double clicking on the LFS lapper folder, which is now in you Dedicated Host folder.
I hope this helps
The red stuff is annoying, more ppl would help if it was black

Need Help With LFSlapper
(7 posts, started )